Angel or Pre-Seed Groups

1 min readApr 25, 2019


This is a list of angel groups or pre-seed help you will find useful.

If you are at prototype stage, building your MVP, have some traction, solid market insight, or have working test products. You are likely to be ready for pre-seed or seed stage investment.

Check out this article by Rayn Ong on how to qualify angel investors.

Here is my list so far:

Sydney Angels are running 6 cycles of angels investment per year.

Investible is running The Investible Game program for Founders in Australia and Asia. They are Burners too.

The Matrix to rule it all …. Investible’s Investibility Matrix

Innovation Bay — is running networking events and pitch events to bring investors and startups together. Check out their PodCast — Open the Pod Bay Doors. They are based in Fishburners Sydney.

Perth Angels

Melbourne Angels

Brisbane Angels




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