Walter von Reichenau: A Life of Military Brilliance and Controversy

A Small Part of History
3 min readJun 26, 2023


Walter von Reichenau, born on October 8, 1884, in Karlsruhe, Germany, was a prominent military leader during the early to mid-20th century. Known for his tactical brilliance and strategic vision, Reichenau played a significant role in shaping German military operations in both World War I and World War II. However, his career was marred by controversial actions and ideological affiliations that have sparked debates and discussions among historians to this day.

Early Years and Military Career: Reichenau’s military career began in 1902 when he joined the Imperial German Army as an officer cadet. He displayed exceptional leadership skills and an aptitude for warfare, earning numerous promotions over the years. During World War I, Reichenau fought on the Western Front, distinguishing himself through his tactical prowess and bravery. He received the prestigious Pour le Mérite, Germany’s highest military honor, for his exemplary service.

Interwar Period: Following the end of World War I, Reichenau continued his military service in the reduced German Army allowed under the Treaty of Versailles. He rose through the ranks and eventually became the commander of the 1st Division in 1933. Reichenau embraced the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party, aligning himself with their nationalistic and militaristic ideology.

World War II and Controversies: When World War II broke out, Reichenau was appointed as the commander of the 6th Army, leading them to victory in the invasion of France. However, it was during the subsequent invasion of the Soviet Union that Reichenau’s controversial legacy began to take shape. In 1941, he issued the infamous “Reichenau Order,” which called for the ruthless extermination of Jews and the implementation of brutal measures against civilians in the occupied territories. This order reflected his deep-seated anti-Semitic beliefs and contributed to the Nazi regime’s genocidal actions.

Legacy and Posthumous Reflection: Despite his military achievements, Reichenau’s controversial actions continue to overshadow his career. Historians have debated the extent of his involvement in war crimes and his ideological commitment to the Nazi cause. Some argue that Reichenau’s orders and actions were driven by his allegiance to Hitler and his desire for military success, while others maintain that he was an enthusiastic participant in Nazi atrocities.

In January 1942, Reichenau suffered a stroke and was evacuated from the Eastern Front. Sadly, he passed away on January 17, 1942, in Ukraine, depriving him of witnessing the ultimate outcome of World War II and its devastating consequences.

Conclusion: Walter von Reichenau’s life and career exemplify the complexities of wartime leadership. While he displayed exceptional military skills, his association with the Nazi regime and the atrocities committed under his command tarnish his legacy. Reichenau’s actions continue to serve as a reminder of the dark side of human nature and the dangers of unchecked ideology. As we reflect on history, it is crucial to study figures like Reichenau to learn from the mistakes of the past and strive for a more just and peaceful future.



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