Vitamin C : FAQs

2 min readMay 14, 2023

What exactly vitamin C is?

Vitamin C or L-ascorbic acid is a water-soluble vitamin. Naturally occurring Vitamin C can be found in adequate amount in fruits and vegetables. Our body cannot make vitamin c on its own and it cannot store it either. So, Vitamin C must be consumed by diet.

Vitamin C rich foods…

Why vitamin C is so important for our body?

Vitamin C is a water-soluble antioxidant. An antioxidant is a substance that protects our body from damage of free radicals that are being generated in our body or may play role in serious diseases like cancer.

Vitamin C is an immunity-enhancer, it supports immune system, our personal army. So, vitamin C is not only necessary for good health but also for survival.

Vitamin C is necessary for collagen synthesis. No doubt, taking vitamin C by diet is far more effective by taking supplements for health. But for collagen synthesis, topical Vitamin C proves 20 times more effective.

How much vitamin c should you take?

There are set recommended daily allowance (RDA) for vitamin c. Teens till age 18 years need around 65–75mg of Vitamin C. For adults, 19 years or older recommended daily dose of Vitamin C is 90mg for men and 75mg for women. However, pregnant women need to take 85mg of vitamin c daily.

Vitamin C rich foods:

There are lots of fruits and vegetables which have a lots of vitamin C including:

· Citrus fruits (oranges, Lemon, Kiwi)

· Tomatoes

· Strawberries

· Bell peppers

· Lychee

· Grapefruit

· Potatoes

· Cantaloupe

· Cruciferous veggies (Broccoli, Cabbage, Kale, Cauliflower)

· Papaya

· Guava

How do you know if you are Vitamin C deficient?

If a person is having diet with less veggies and fruit or is involved directly or indirectly (secondhand smoke) in smoking, may suffer from Vitamin C deficiency. Following are most common signs of vitamin C deficiency:

· Scurvy (a disease associated with Vitamin c deficiency, red or blue spots appear on skin, anemia)

·Bleeding gums

· Nose bleeding

· Hair loss

· Fatigue

· Slow wounds healing

· Depression

· Joint pain

Vitamin C is essential for healthy life. Scientists agree that vitamin C should preferably be taken through diet instead of supplements. Too much dietary Vitamin c is bearable by the body, but overdose of its supplements may lead to diarrhea, stomach pain and nausea…

