How to respond to someone who says you’re slow

Manali Anaje
4 min readOct 15, 2022


Slow does it means you are low and poor in you work?

“Slow” meaning and how does it affects someone:

The word slow describes the “person who is not particularly stable in their mental process”.

When you focus on quality over quantity or trying something new, you go slower than expected.

It probably takes you a lot longer to learn to drive, write, and cook than others who learn these skills faster and more efficiently.

While I was cooking. I remember it was my first day. The process of preparing chapati, as usual, took too much time compared to others. Because I wasn’t aware of the process on my first day, it was a very disastrous stage.

As I compare it now, after doing it regularly and frequently, it takes 10–15 minutes.

As another example, it usually took me about 3 times longer to write an email or reply to a question than most people do. In some cases, I had spent the entire afternoon with a single email or application process for a single job.

My typing speed was also not fast, so I was grateful for the result of this.

Because I always make sure none of the sentences could be misunderstood and hold a level of quality in their substance. But as a result, others always misunderstood me.

I had fallen into the trap several times myself, but I almost always regret it later.

Not necessarily slow can mean just that, someone who isn’t a quick learner, they don’t “get” jokes quickly are easygoing, and their speech is slower than fast talkers.

None of these things makes someone “dumb”.

If you are debating and trying to prove yourself to somebody, and they are using sarcastic or insulting responses, it can be hard to make yourself cope with that person.

To level up in life, you should try new things, and no doubt your start will be a little slower and people may even call you a tube-light.

The only people who are excellent at everything are doing the same damn old thing every day.

Don’t take them seriously if you feel you are doing your best. People don’t have the same ability to learn things at the same pace.

Clever comebacks if they complain you’re too slow.

  1. Yes, I am slow but not “dumb”.
  2. The areas in which I am inexperienced are slow for me, but I practice often to improve.
  3. Whether you go slowly or quickly, if you do not move or grow, you will find yourself in trouble.
  4. Slow progress is better than doing nothing at all.
  5. My work is slow since I focus on quality and dedicate myself to making it as well as possible.
  6. I accept I am slow in some aspects of my life, but I am confident I will improve.

Just stay calm, if the person is arguing, do not reply or try to prove it at the same time.

The best comeback must be like this:

Don’t offend, prove them wrong with your performance and achievements. Decide to improve your weak area, so that no one can exploit it against you.

Keep a positive attitude and trust your instincts.

People who are too quick to judge and condemn don’t let it affect you.

It’s easier to judge people than to get to know them.

Here is how to cope:

  1. Remember that you should not be offended.
  2. Become more efficient. Research and develop your weakened pace, which slows down your process.
  3. As you face new challenges, take notes of your flaws.
  4. Use tools, gadgets, notes, and short keys to keep yourself reminded.
  5. Accept the truth always. If you want to learn and grow, then don’t ignore your flows.
  6. Try to be punctual.
  7. If you are planning for your big day, get all your stuff ready by the day before.
  8. Avoid multitasking and load yourself with everything.
  9. Seek help. Make sure you don’t try to do everything on your own.
  10. Create a to-do list and mind map your priorities and set small goals.
  11. Use tools like toggle which can track your time so you can find and track whether you are wasting time (procrastinating) or not.
  12. Stop procrastination. Research and develop the area where you do most procrastination.
  13. Don’t let distractions get in the way of your motivation.
  14. Do a self-analysis honestly.
  15. Try to overcome the habits that slow your process (typing, researching, overeating, or overthinking).
  16. It is best not to rush through things due to the fear that people will judge you if you are late.
  17. To focus, keep a positive attitude when you are doing something important.
  18. You should practice more in the area where you found yourself weak.
  19. Whenever you find yourself in a confrontation, stay calm.
  20. Make yourself generous, do not strive to prove others wrong.
  21. Last but not on the list, Don't say: “Tere baap ka kya jaata hai”

Happy Reading



Manali Anaje

Manali Anaje is a passionate and creative individual. Her standard writing, editing, and proofreading quality bring quality content that pursues readers.