Windows Load Balancing Quirks in PM2 Cluster Mode

Manan Shah
2 min readNov 26, 2023


Load balancing is a critical aspect of ensuring optimal performance and reliability for your service. PM2 is a popular tool to handle process management and clustering with millions of weekly downloads on npm. However, a peculiar quirk surfaces when utilizing PM2 in cluster mode on Windows servers, particularly when compared to its performance on Linux. This article dives into the intricacies of PM2’s load-balancing behaviour, shedding light on a crucial difference that developers should be keenly aware of.

The Promise of Clustering:

PM2’s cluster mode is designed to distribute incoming requests among multiple instances of your application, thereby enhancing performance and providing fault tolerance. Various load balancing algorithms, commonly round-robin, ensure that each instance gets a fair share of incoming requests, promoting a more balanced workload distribution.

The Windows Conundrum:

For developers navigating the Windows server landscape, the promise of PM2’s cluster mode may seem like an ideal solution to scale applications seamlessly. However, a closer inspection reveals a significant divergence from the behaviour observed on Linux platforms.

On Linux systems, PM2 adeptly employs round-robin load balancing, ensuring that requests are distributed evenly across all available instances. This translates to efficient resource utilization and improved response times. However, the tale takes a different turn when Windows comes into play.

Windows-Specific Challenge:

On Windows, PM2 falls short of its load-balancing prowess. Instead of distributing incoming requests evenly, all requests are funnelled to a single instance of the application. This surprising behaviour can lead to uneven workloads, potential performance bottlenecks, and, most importantly, a failure to harness the full potential of clustering for improved application scalability.

Developer Awareness:

Understanding these platform-specific nuances is crucial for developers aiming to optimize their applications on Windows servers. While PM2 remains a valuable tool for process management, developers must be cognizant of the limitations imposed by the Windows environment in cluster mode.



Manan Shah

A software development enthusiast