Top 5 killer features of the VS Code and My Favorite features of all the times that make my life easier.

Manan Aggarwal
5 min readAug 5, 2022


Hello folks hope you are doing well. Today topic is the important topic for all the developers that What are those top 5 killer functionalities that make the life of the any developer easy and that make my life easier as an developer.

So Let’s Start !!

Features That We are discussing For the VS Code are as follows :-

1. version control

2. Plugins Support for feature extensions in just one IDE.

3. Integrated command Line Interface Support

4. Multiline Feature

5. copy Line Down Feature

1. Version Control

Every Developer should know this feature of the VS code. As it tracks the activity and the changes of our file that we are making to the file and helps in updating the repository on the GitHub or any version control software of our choice with just two clicks and without writing any git command in the visual studio code. In initial we have to write the commands just to initiate the repository and to attach the local repository with the remote repository.

Let me Show You how we can do this :-

  1. Write the command to initiate the git repository which is :-
git init

2. Then write the command for attaching your local repository to the remote repository which is.

git remote add origin (link to  the remote repository)

3. And it’s done now with just few clicks we will push our work to the remote repository without using the git commands.

Git Introduction

4. Write the commit message and then click on the commit button for pushing the changes to your local repository.

5. Then click on the sync changes to update the changes made in the local repository with the remote repository. Open the GitHub then the see that the changes are made to the remote repository.

And if you don’t want to do this way by writing the commands you can also push the changes to the remote repository also.

2. Plugins Support for feature extensions in just one IDE.

Here the real power of the VS code is reveal out that the 90% of the power of the VS code is in the plugins which enables the extended features of the IDE making it the far more powerful than any other IDE.

VS code Plugin Feature

We can download these plugins and use them in whatever manner we want and feel the real power of this IDE.

3. Integrated command Line Interface Support

Here comes the another feature of the VS code that is Integrated command Line Interface Support which is lot more similar or we can say that almost same like the windows Command Line Interface.

This feature will help you to prevent opening of the separate terminal and then do the stuffs. This helps in preventing minimizing and maximizing of the command line terminal and see the changes that we have made in the application. These stuffs we can also do in the VS code integrated terminal and all the things are in front of your eyes making it lot more easier then opening the separate command line terminal and do the stuffs.

For Example :- If you are making the Backend Application and want to see what is happening with the form data then these stuffs we can also see in the VS code terminal itself just operate it like the normal terminal.

4. Multiline Feature

One of my favorite feature that helps in enhancing my productivity during the web development process. This feature will help me to insert the same thing in the multiple lines by typing the thing just for the one time.

Preview of the Multiline Functionality with the key combination of the Alt+Shift

Just Press Alt + Shift and then hold the mouse left click and drag upto the content wherever you want to make the changes or you can either just hold down the Alt button and then click on the certain positions wherever you want to make the same changes.

Preview of the multiline feature with using just the Alt Button.

This functionality is used in HTML where we want to insert the same class in multiple lines.

5. Copy Line Down Feature

This feature help me copy the same line to just below the original line with just one key combination which is Shift + Alt + Down Arrow Key. This feature will also help you to boost the productivity or if this key combination doesn’t suit you then you can change it by going to the settings of the VS code and the name of the setting is Copy Line Down

Copy Line Down Demonstration

Here Are the all of your features which I have discussed. Hope it help you to make your development journey easy faster and smoother.

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For More Information about which extensions we have to use in the VS code for enhancing our productivity checkout this blog:-

Now I will meet you with my next blog and more interesting stuffs like this. Till Then keep coding and keep growing.



Manan Aggarwal

I am a tech Guy who have Interest in CyberSecurity and coding and I write what I love Link to my Linkdin Profile