The problem of evil (part 1): God acknowledges the existence of evil

Manar Mansour
3 min readApr 27, 2019


“The problem of evil” .. that’s the frequently mentioned debate when it comes to disbelief in God .. where people always tell you: Why is God allowing all this misery in the world? Why did God create this evil or that one? Why the hell is this happening? If there is God, he won’t allow all that evil … etc.
Well, this problem arises not because of the existing evil but rather mainly because of our wrong assumptions about God .. that’s what makes us confused .. we were told in Christianity that God only creates good .. and evil only comes from the deeds of man .. evil is man made and cannot come from the almighty God .. I mean look at wars and bombs and all that stuff which was made by man .. well, but what about the earthquakes and volcanos? What about all the viruses that kill us or cause us to fall ill and suffer? What about cancer and people dying from it? .. I can start listing all the evils that are not man made until the cows come home ..
So people went into a state of denial .. because while they can obviously see that there are evils which are not man made, their religion keeps telling them that God can’t create evil and that it’s not convenient for him to do so .. then what? then people abandoned the belief in God and became either agnostic or atheist because they can’t handle that contradiction .. end of story .. do you relate to that ?
Now .. what if I told you that .. YES indeed God creates evil !
What?!! are you kiddin’ me?!!
No, I am not kiddin’ you, I am telling you the truth so handle it now .. God explicitly states in the Qur’an that he created evil , one verse in the Qur’an reads, “ Say, ‘I seek refuge in the Lord of daybreak — From the evil of that which He created’ “ Qur’an[113:1–2]
So in the Qur’an, God takes responsibility for the evil that he created ..
Wait but what does that imply and would it make a difference ? .. well, consider this situation :
person (x) broke into your house while you were not there and you are sure that this person(x) did so .. now if person(x) comes and tells you that he didn’t do so .. you would be angry and you would start doubting him and his intentions .. you would believe that he is lying to you and that he did what he did for a bad intention .. you would have no doubt that person(x) is evil .. but if person(x) admits that he broke into your house and takes full responsibility for it , now you might calm down and start thinking that he was honest enough to admit his deed and he may have a good reason that he is going to explain .. then later you learn that person(x) broke into your house because it was on fire and he had to rescue the people inside .. so it makes sense to you now why he frankly admitted breaking into your house .. because he wasn’t doing something wrong .. if it were wrong, he wouldn’t have explicitly admitted it .. at first glance, it seemed to you as merely evil and you were angry about it .. but then you learned it was for a good reason and so you want to thank him now ..

#part1 #The_Problem_Of_Evil

