MP neuron, Perceptron and Sigmoid Neuron

1 min readJun 23, 2020


This article helps us differentiate between MP neuron, Perceptron and Sigmoid Neuron.

McCulloh-Pitts(MP) Neuron:

1. Input and outputs are boolean(i.e zero or one).

2. No weights

3. Classify only linearly separable boolean functions.

Drawbacks : Cannot deal with real valued inputs and weightage cannot be given to inputs.

MP Neuron


1. Inputs are real values.

2. Outputs are Boolean values.

3. Deal with only linearly separable functions.

4. Weights can be assigned to each input.

Drawbacks : Thresholding is very harsh in perceptron.

Output function where b is the threshold (blue : perceptron and red : sigmoid neuron)

Sigmoid Neuron:

1. Inputs and outputs are real.

2. Weights can be assigned to inputs.

3. Thresholding is not harsh.

4. Continuous and differentiable function..

