#6/100: It’s only my 6th day of writing and my brain has already shut down

Manasa Ram Raj
1 min readOct 24, 2019


There’s been a lot going on in the world. Mumbai election results just came out. A girl was burned alive after accusing headteacher of sexual assault, in Bangladesh, and the 16 responsible are sentenced to death. On other news, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez continues to kill it.

I see people hustle with such much zeal everyday and wonder how they do it. One day I hope to have that amount of pizzazz.

But for now am switching off to get a better start tomorrow to get some productive work done.

G’night, world!



Manasa Ram Raj

Writer. Lawyer. Researcher | Research on Gender and Law with The Gender Security Project | Community Engagement on World Pulse | Read: manasaramraj.com |