Adjustable Desk — Key Features of an Ergonomic Table

Manasi Ghadge
3 min readDec 28, 2021


The sit-stand table is modern furniture that has the feature of height adjustment. It is available in manual, electric standing converter, and full standing table. Stability and weight carrying capacity is the main feature of the standing desk. It is available in different types, designs, and materials in the market.

Sitting long hours in front of a computer can cause neck pain, shoulder pain, and back pain. Employers also have identified. So that they prefer to buy ergonomic modern office furniture for their office. The modern furniture has the facility to adjust the height and it can be folded and kept. So it is portable if you want to relocate your workspace. So, there is an option of sitting and standing table by adjusting its height. A table which can convert in between sitting and standing helps to reduce the health issues due working all day and improve the work experience.

The adjustable desk can adjust the height of the table according to your convenience. This table helps to change the posture when you get inconvenience with, shoulder and back pain. If you are tired of sitting posture then you can increase the height of the table and can choose a standing posture for a while. The companies which promote standing tables for their employees have been experienced improvements in job performance and work engagements. Budget, workspace, and personal preferences have to be considered before selecting a table.

Adjustable Desk | Image Resource :

Factors that need to be considered

Before going to purchase a height-adjustable desk for your workspace, you need to consider certain factors of the table.

• Stability — stability of furniture is the main concern if you need to use it all day. You have to ensure that the materials used for manufacturing the table are of good quality. if the sit and stand table are not of good quality, it will shake when you raise its heights
• Weight carrying capacity — you may have several purposes with the table. Sometimes you may need to place heavy things; like a desktop; on the table. So it should have a weight carrying capacity.
• Manual or automatic — some desks change their heights manually. But others have options of automatic settings to change the heights.

Benefits of an Adjustable Desk

The height-adjustable desk impacts not only in work culture but there are improvements in employees’ health conditions also. Some standing tables may only be used while standing but the adjustable desk can be used while sitting and standing by adjusting their heights.

As the sit-stand position is a healthier posture than standing all day, you can choose the best table available in the market. If you come to the sit and stand desk there are several options. You can easily adjust its height to get the correct posture and has the folding features. When you go for a standing table, need to look into the space of the table, best high rise standing desk, high quality materials, and best standing frame.

