Deployment strategies in K8S:-

2 min readMar 31, 2023

Kubernetes has become the go-to platform for container orchestration, and it offers a variety of deployment strategies to suit different application requirements. In this blog post, we will explore the different deployment strategies available in Kubernetes.

  1. Rolling Update: The rolling update strategy is the default deployment strategy in Kubernetes. It involves gradually updating a deployment with new versions of the application. Kubernetes will ensure that the old version of the application is running while the new version is being deployed, thereby avoiding any downtime.
  2. Blue-Green Deployment: In a blue-green deployment, two identical environments are created, one active (blue) and the other inactive (green). The new version of the application is deployed to the inactive environment, and after the deployment is complete, traffic is switched to the green environment. This approach minimizes downtime and provides an easy rollback option in case of any issues.
  3. Canary Deployment: Canary deployment involves deploying a new version of the application to a small subset of users or machines, while the rest of the users continue to use the previous version. This allows for testing and validation of the new version before it is rolled out to everyone. If any issues are detected, the new version can be rolled back without impacting all users.
  4. A/B Testing Deployment: In an A/B testing deployment, two versions of the application are deployed simultaneously, and traffic is split between the two versions. This allows for testing and validation of new features, and the data collected from both versions can be used to determine which version is performing better.
  5. Blue-Green-Canary Deployment: The blue-green-canary deployment strategy is a combination of the blue-green and canary deployment strategies. It involves deploying a new version of the application to a small subset of users in the inactive (green) environment, while the active (blue) environment continues to serve the previous version of the application. If the new version passes the canary test, traffic is switched to the green environment, and the blue environment is taken down.

In conclusion, Kubernetes provides several deployment strategies to meet different application requirements. By selecting the appropriate deployment strategy, you can ensure that your application is deployed and updated efficiently, securely, and without any downtime.

