Playing with a real room temperature 2-qubit desktop quantum computer

Javier Mancilla
3 min readAug 10, 2022


It is real. SpinQ is a revolutionary company that’s been working since 2018 on the development of quantum computers that can be used as desktop devices using the NMR approach, but also in complex superconducting quantum computers that can be used over the cloud (or in your own facilities depending on the budget). On this occasion, I want to talk about the Gemini Mini, which is the entry product from SpinQ and is mainly used for educational purposes.

Gemini Mini touchscreen panel options.

The Gemini Mini is a 2-qubit machine that is surprisingly interesting since it has many uncommon features in the quantum industry. A few of them are:

  1. Room temperature operation. It can operate at normal room temperature — 0 to 30°C — and does not need a extremely low temperature to avoid noise or decoherence such as superconducting computers.
  2. Stand-alone product. You don’t need to connect any classical computer to it to make it operational. Using the integrated touchscreen is possible to operate and extract all the benefits directly from there.
  3. Portable. The weight of the device is just 14 kg so it is fairly easy to move the machine from one place to another.
  4. Quantum lessons and evaluations. The system have integrated quantum lessons and evaluations, so anyone from the educational field can start from scratch learning from a real quantum computer in their houses, classrooms, labs or facilities.
  5. Run on real computers or simulate. If you want to test algorithms using gates over quantum circuits, they can be run on two real qubits and also eight simulated ones.

The software to operate everything through the touchscreen is very friendly and brilliantly thought out for any kind of user. The “Quantum Computing” section presents a drag-and-drop structure to use quantum gates over a 2-qubit circuit and 60 possible gates to be applied. Later, you just need to click “Run” to receive the results in a few seconds.

Gemini Mini “Quantum Computing” section.

In this section, you can find built-in quantum algorithms such as Grover or Deustch, or simple operations to produce superposition or entanglement.

Gemini Mini interior.

OK, let’s stop there for a bit! This could be the same tool that I have access to on the IBM quantum platform through the quantum composer. Yes and no. Yes, because there is a way through IBM to play with drag and drop quantum gates and get results, but “no” for a few reasons:

  1. The quantum computer is yours with no queue needed to run.
  2. Gemini Mini can receive updates and upgrades through the cloud.
  3. You can even see the interior of the quantum computer and allow others to be close to a real machine and make it tangible.
  4. Educational assets are integrated and ready to be used in a friendly way.
  5. Remote support and advisory.

Also, SpinQ has other desktop quantum computers that have different features, are compatible with Python, and several other benefits.

Ready to have a desktop quantum computer?

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Javier Mancilla

Quantum Computing for Business and Artificial Intelligence specialist with over 15+ years of experience. Ph.D. in quantum computing.