Here’s everything you need to know about NASA’s Psyche Mission

3 min readFeb 6, 2022


Visiting an asteroid is not new to space exploration as missions to Vesta, Ryugu, Ceres and Bennu have already been executed successfully. Then what is special about the Psyche Mission? But don’t you think that it is a deeper question to ask. So, let’s, first, focus on the bigger picture of this mission.

What is 16 Psyche?

16 Psyche is the only asteroid we are aware of that is so huge and made up of 95% metal or more, almost similar to Earth’s core. It is an M-type asteroid which is kind of rare in the universe. Being present in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter and is one of the most massive asteroids in the solar system.The asteroid mostly consists of Nickel and Iron.

16 Psyche was discovered in 1852 by an Italian astronomer named Annibale de Gasparis.

According to the scientists, Psyche might be a protoplanet that had undergone a number of collisions, billions of years ago(probably in the beginning of the solar system’s evolution), and lost its rocky outer layers. This means that Psyche could be an exposed core of that planet.

Psyche takes about five earth years to complete one revolution around the Sun.The presence of hydroxyl ions on the asteroid was suggested by NASA Infrared Telescope facility at the Mauna Kia Observatories that indicates the presence of water ice on it.

Now, you may be wondering, why has the prefix “16” been added to its name? This is because Psyche was the sixteenth minor planet in order of discovery.

It is over 200km in diameter.
The mass of the Psyche is about 440 billion billion pounds making it the eleventh most massive known asteroid in the solar system.
The metallic nature of Psyche is the main point of attraction for the researchers as they wonder how it could have formed.

Why are we sending a spacecraft to Psyche?

  1. The core of the Earth is thought to consist of solid Nickel and Iron but researchers could never see that(as it is far below crust and mantle) and hence, are prevented from studying it.We can, by no means, travel to the rocky core of the Earth. The deepest we have been able to travel into the Earth’s surface is 12km.
  2. So, a journey to the center of the Earth is almost impossible, for now, as pressure and temperature(approximately 5000 degrees celsius) tremendously increases towards the core.
  3. After the discovery of Psyche, scientists came up with the idea of studying Psyche(an exposed core of a planetesimal) in order to understand Earth’s core. Therefore, it gives us a chance to discover the innermost secrets of our own planet.

All about the mission

Psyche is a NASA mission that will launch by 2022 to explore such a rare asteroid, 16 Psyche.
In August 2022, NASA will launch its first spacecraft, equipped with so many advanced instruments, to 16 Psyche.

They include two high resolution cameras and a spectrometer. The spectrometer will analyze the gamma rays and neutrons produced when Psyche is struck by cosmic rays. By this, we will come to know about the elements that are found on the surface of Psyche as different elements release gamma rays of different wavelengths.

A magnetometer, on the spacecraft, will measure Psyche’s magnetic field with high precision. It will give us a chance to learn about how Earth’s magnetic field is generated at its core. A sophisticated new laser communication technology will also be deployed on the spacecraft.

The most interesting part of this mission is:

No one has ever seen Psyche more than a speck through a telescope. So, it will be exciting to know about the metal world and how it looks. At the same time it can be very challenging as we have never explored a metallic world. Therefore, we don’t know if we have sufficient equipment. But a mission to 16 Psyche can be a kind of exploration that humankind has never done before. So, let’s hope for the best!




An avid space writer. Curious to explore various aspects of space technology and mysterious universe.