Logrotate: rotating log files based on max size

Mandeep Singh
1 min readAug 11, 2020


So recently, we were working on a task wherein we have to rotate our log files. The objective was to :
. Setup logrotate to rotate files based on size
. After rotation, make sure that process is able to write logs to the newly created log file

We selected two Linux utilities to do this work for us:
. Logrotate

Both of the utilities were doing there work as expected. Logrotate was able to rotate the files as per config set and cron was triggering the logrotate command on a specified interval.
But there come the unknown part (which no one tells :( ), after the rotation the process generating log was not able to write logs to newly created log files. So we went through a couple of articles but didn’t get a working solution. One way suggested was to use copytruncate property of log rotate but we wanted to avoid this.
Finally, we were able to solve this problem. I am sharing the cron content and config below:
The cron file is created under :
directory: /etc/cron.d

Sample cron Content:

PATH=/usr/lib/sysstat:/usr/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin#run command at every 15th minute
*/15 * * * * root bash -c ‘logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/<logroate_config_file_name>

Sample Logrotate config:

/var/log/<path_to_log_files> {
create 777 www-data www-data
rotate 24
maxsize 100M
su root www-data
reload <service_name>

I hope this helps.

