The Evolution of Tech: From Astonishment to Expectation

Mandeep Rajput
3 min readNov 24, 2023

The journey through technological development has been an extraordinary odyssey, especially for those born in the early 90s. This era marks a generation that experienced a deep technological revolution and saw a seismic change from a world without modern means of communication to a landscape full of innovative wonders. From the transformative presence of instant communication to the ubiquity of high-tech advances, this period represents unprecedented change in human history.

Thinking back to the late 80s and early 80s and early 90s, the advent of technology was a spectacle. The emergence of the Internet, the rapid growth of computing power and the birth of mobile phones symbolize the revolutionary leap into the digital age. Devices were no longer just communication tools; they have evolved into pocket-sized wonders that have changed the way we interact and communicate. Email became a tool to bridge distances, chat rooms fostered global conversations, and the early stages of social media platforms laid the foundation for an interconnected world.

For the generation that grew up in the midst of this technological upsurge, every innovative breakthrough was a source of utter wonder. From slow phone connections to lightning-fast broadband, the adoption of smartphones as portable supercomputers, and the nascent stages of artificial intelligence seemed like glimpses into the otherworldly future.

There was an era when every device or software announcement was viewed with a wide eye, as if witnessing the unfolding of miracles. Fast forward to today and the technology landscape has changed dramatically. What was once innovative and scary is now seamlessly integrated into our daily lives. Smartphones, once considered advanced devices, are now extensions of ourselves, perfectly ingrained in our routines. The once incomprehensible world of the Internet is now familiar territory that we navigate effortlessly. Once distant and surreal concepts like artificial intelligence and machine learning are now tangible forces supporting everyday applications, from personalized recommendations to the development of autonomous vehicles.

However, this has led to a strange paradox. Although technological advances are constant, the magic once unleashed by these advances has somewhat faded. The wow factor is diluted in a world where innovation is the norm and the unexpected has become routine. The rapid development and the saturation of technology in everyday life has led to a certain awareness. Such sensitivity is not due to a lack of appreciation of technological development, but to its widespread use. It’s like being surrounded by magic every day — eventually it fades into the background and loses its magical charm.

The generation of the 1990s, which witnessed the birth and rise of the connected world, remembers the excitement of these pioneering technological leaps. In addition, the law of diminishing returns will be applied. Each incremental improvement or iteration of technology, while significant in its own right, may not inspire the same respect as the amazing inventions of the past. The sense of innovation that once accompanied every technological leap is harder to achieve in a world saturated with innovation.

However, this shift from surprise to expectation does not rule out the profound impact of technology on our lives. On the contrary, it emphasizes its integration into the fabric of our existence. If the generation of the 90s remembers the excitement of the emergence of an interconnected world, today’s technological world means stability and accessibility. Expectations for new innovations remain with a more moderate expectation. It is widely believed that technology will continue to advance at a pace that may not match the exponential leaps of the past.

The excitement now lies in the complexity, incremental improvements and unexpected applications of current technology rather than groundbreaking revelations. In short, it can be said that the technological journey from the beginning of the 90s to today has been an incredible journey. What once offended us with its novelty has now become an integral part of our daily life.

While the element of surprise may have diminished, the importance of technology remains unchanged, a force that continues to shape and redefine our world. From a generation that marveled at the birth of modern technology to today and a world where innovation is expected, the advancement of technology has indeed been a significant change in human history.



Mandeep Rajput

In the midst of corporate and personal struggles, writing became my refuge