Mandrake Pan: My Simple History

Mandrake Pan
2 min readJul 30, 2023
Mandrake Bellamy Solomon Pan: Portrait by Rodney Sideswipe

MANDRAKE BELLAMY SOLOMON PAN was born fully bearded on the back of a cabbage barrow on CHRISTMAS DAY, 1855…

Mandrake Aged 1 & 4/5

His parents, CRESSIDA POTTS & PLUTO PAN were the renowned music hall artistes, POTTS & PAN, introducing the young MANDRAKE to an exciting world of bright lights & larger than life characters.

Cressida Potss & Pluto Pan as ‘Potts & Pan’

However, the stage wasn’t for him, & after a small stint as a TOFFEE TASTER for NANNY WILLOUGHBY’S NAUGHTY TREATS at the age of ten…

YOUNG MANDRAKE took a job as an ink runner for the now defunct WINCHELL’S GUIDE TO GHOST’S & GOBLINS

