“Work Is Work” by Coda Hale“Work Is Work (in Which Results Diminish)” is an article from Coda Hale.Aug 12, 2020Aug 12, 2020
ReGenesis Explained.The amount of money locked in DeFi apps surpassed $1.500.000.000; DApps are beign announced almost every day. At that rate, Ethereum can…Jun 28, 20202Jun 28, 20202
Stateless Ethereum: Binary Tries Experimentan experiment we ran on the Ethereum mainnet to see how switching to binary tries will affect the block witness sizeJan 3, 20201Jan 3, 20201
Mobile Energy Efficiency BoKSharing the guide on testing the energy efficiency of the apps.Jan 1, 20191Jan 1, 20191
Ethereum node services explainedI did a short explanation about how https://status.im interacts with Ethereum. I think it is a decent explanation about how Ethereum RPC…May 2, 2018May 2, 2018
Keeping track of development tasksWhen we implement a change in a codebase, it isn’t a single task. It’s a whole project, containing creating new objects, abstractions…Mar 15, 2018Mar 15, 2018
GTD & Choosing What to Do NextIn my previous post I’ve discussed what a team leader or a manager can do to optimize the flow of tasks, especially in the beginning of a…Sep 11, 2017Sep 11, 2017