Fantastic Pens and where to find them #2

JavaScript Quote Typer with Pauses

Mandy Michael
2 min readJan 12, 2018


by Josh Collinsworth

There was something about this that I really enjoyed. I started to imagine this concept as part of a beautiful storytelling piece where you start to wonder and question who the narrator is and become immersed in their story with them. Love it.

Miami Nights Audio Visualizer
By Ion D. Filho

I really enjoy audio visualizations, there is something about them that just feels right. Make sure you go visit their profile for more awesome visualizations. I quite like the Garth Knight / Auto Tron Re-Master pen as well.

It’s not often I see audio related work on the internet so comment with your favourites if you have some.

Cute Dog
By David

I like dogs, a lot. So it was only natural that this one caught my eye. It’s not just because of the dog, what I love is how much personality comes across in the animations. I personally find this kind of animation really hard so I love seeing stuff like this.

From the Archive

I could not stop
by Gerard Ferrandez

This is one of my all-time favourite things on Codepen, sometimes I just sit there and click while I’m thinking. It’s very therapeutic.

One of Mine

I have wanted to make something like this for a while, but I couldn’t work out how to keep it with just CSS and effectively make bits of grass poke out. Fast forward to variable fonts experimentation and I discovered a cool “variation” on Decovar font when combining different variations! Variable fonts are going to be amazing and I cannot wait until they are more widely supported.

I’d love to collaborate with some font designers if anyone is keen?

This is experimental I recommend viewing in latest Chrome!

For anyone wondering what it’s meant to look like here is a little screen capture.

Thanks & keep creating

❤️ Mandy



Mandy Michael

Lover of CSS, and Batman. Front End Developer, Writer, Speaker, Development Manager | Founder & Organiser @fendersperth | Organiser @mixinconf