Amanda Stroud
2 min readSep 18, 2017


‘Willpower definitely doesn’t work and may not even exist’ …… seems on trend with inspirational writers. I’m new to all this but I’ve completely changed my life around not just on will power, help was needed also.

You write some good advice but I can’t agree with that statement. My life is full of will power that exists and works if I work at it. Things don’t just happen? Didn’t just writing what you just wrote take will power? Everyone is born with self will, depending on their upbringing, life guidance and self awareness is a factor how well they are able to turn it into a power. Didn’t it take will power to do something you didn’t really want to do because you were too tired?

I don’t understand this new thinking that people can’t will themselves to achieve something worth while?

Short list of things I have used and still need will power for.

Losing 6 stone, keeping it off

Getting and staying clean and sober

Managing being bipolar to the best of my ability

Coping with the needs of 3 kids, 1 schizophrenic, 1 autistic, 1 with learning difficulties.

Exercising for 2 hours a day

The will to live on really tough days.

How do you do anything without correct use of self will and will power? I don’t understand, I’m obviously missing a point in this will power debate going on ? could you explain how your life works without it as mine takes a lot! I’d be interested to know if you have some other sort of power that’s a well kept secret!

