Growing A Vegetable Garden: Step By Step

Amanda Owen
4 min readJul 2, 2024


Little girl taking a picture of a flower in a raised bed

Vegetable gardens provide food and beauty all in one. Everyone deserves one. No matter how small your space, or how busy your lifestyle, there’s a garden plan for you. This article will guide you in the process of creating your dream garden, from deciding what you want to plant to picking the right watering system, you’re going to love the results!

Research: What Is Your Goal?

Think about what vegetables you eat; it’s wise to grow what you’ll use. Pick plants that grow well in your zone, and make a list of what you want to plant. Once you have a list, do some research on your plant’s preferences and take notes. Learn what plants grow well together, and find out how much sun, water, and space they will need. Don’t be overwhelmed by the expectations. It’s okay if you don’t get everything exactly right. The plants might not produce as much or last as long, but it’s a learning process every gardener goes through.

Tomatos on the vine

Utilize: What Do You Already Have?

Growing a garden doesn’t have to be from scratch, and it certainly shouldn’t require a massive shopping spree. Find your yard’s potential and let the space work with you. If you have a small yard, utilize vertical gardening. Lattices and walls are great for climbing plants. Raised beds are a great option too, they keep your garden contained and organized, and look really cool! If you already have a flower garden, consider converting it into a kitchen garden by planting vegetables among your flowers. This could save you a lot of time and energy.

Plan: Best Vegetable Garden Layout

Now you know what you want to grow and you have an idea of how it will look. It may be tempting to go buy all the plants and tools, but there’s one vital step you need to complete before you can do that: get it on paper! There’s an old saying: if you fail to plan, plan to fail. So pull out the notes you took in the research phase and some graph paper, and sketch out your yard. Designate sunny areas for your full-sun plants, pair your companion vegetables and herbs, and so on. A good rule of thumb is to plant tall plants in the back and short plants in the front. If you feel lost, there are plenty of pre-made layout plans that can be found on the internet.

Think about how you want to water your plants. There are a few options, sprinkler, hose, by hand, and drip irrigation. Do some research and pick the one that works best for you, regarding your free time and your garden space.

Lady watering her plants with a watering can

Purchase: Gather Supplies

With your plan in hand, you are ready to gather what you need. You may already have some of the tools, so be sure to check your garage before you head to Home Depot.

Here’s a list of things you may need:

  • Seeds and plants
  • Potting soil and fertilizer
  • Watering equipment: depending on what form you choose, you may want a sprinkler, hose, drip irrigation kit, or a watering pail.
  • Vertical gardening systems
  • Raised beds
  • Shovels, rakes, gloves, etc.

Execute: Create Your Dream Garden

Here’s the really fun part: you get to make your dream garden come to life, literally! Build your desired structures and fill up the space with plants and potting soil, all according to your plan. Next step, water. Make sure to water everything directly after planting it. If you opted for a drip or sprinkler system, this is when you would install it.

Man gardening in raised beds

Decorate: Elevate Your Garden

You don’t have to stop there, you can make your garden even more beautiful by adding companion or complimentary flowers to add some color and aroma and attract bees and butterflies. Garden lighting, seating, bird feeders or baths, sculptures, and other decorative pieces can add just the right touch to your already gorgeous garden.

Bird perched on the edge of a bird bath

Maintain Your Garden

With your new vegetable garden complete, you are free to enjoy it and all that it yields. Don’t forget to upkeep your gardening, which includes regular watering, weeding, harvesting, and possible pest or rodent control.

Creating a vegetable garden, while it is not a simple task, is a worthwhile one that may save you time and money you otherwise would’ve spent at the grocery store. Regardless of your living situation, there is a garden layout that is right for you. All it takes is some research, assessing, planning, and execution, and you have a garden! I hope this step-by-step guide has been helpful, happy gardening!

