Why “I Don’t Know” Became the Most Important Phrase of My Teaching Career

Mandy Spears
2 min readJun 13, 2018

I vomited in the faculty restroom my first day of teaching. I was terrified that the students were going to ask me questions for which I did not have answers. I taught out of the religion department at an all-girls high school. Anyone who studies theology and philosophy (responsibly) knows that those subjects contain many more questions than answers.

It wasn’t just that I was scared that I wouldn’t have answers. It’s that I knew I was not going to have all the answers, and I knew how frightening it can be to be sixteen and realize that adults, even adults with master’s degrees and authoritative titles like “teacher,” don’t know everything, not even answers to the most important questions. Why do bad things happen to good people? What is love? What is the point of getting out of bed in the morning?

I felt prematurely guilty for possibly being the one to drag these students into that place where things feel a little less safe because the person in charge does not have a clue.

I don’t remember the first time I had to tell a student that the best answer is that we don’t know. It’s a common thread in theology, no matter what your belief system. Believers usually say that you have to let go and surrender what you don’t or can’t know to a higher power; absurdists suggest that nothing has a point, including your question; agnostics get to be truly consistent with the tender explanation that not only do we not know, we cannot know. This, of…



Mandy Spears

Extreme hobbyist writing about spirituality, relationships, budgeting on a tight budget. Stories matter. Former teacher. Masters in Theology & Criminal Justice.