You Want To Raise Your Level Of Consciousness? Isolate Yourself

Temporary self-isolation can save you from a faceless, robotic future. Here’s how.

Lilla Wonders
4 min readAug 10, 2023
Photo by Mark Harrison on Unsplash

In isolation you find yourself.

Sometimes isolation is the best thing you can do for yourself.

People hate to hear it. But the truth is, isolation finds everyone who steps on the path of healing. Whether they like it or not.

Isolation is a MUST in your Consciousness journey. It comes in many forms. It can happen voluntarily or involuntarily.

Self-isolation was one of the most important steps in my healing journey and my psyche integration process.

I understood for the first time what peace felt like. Not peace in the outer world but real inner peace.

My life was far from perfect when it happened; I was broke and struggling to pay my bills. But in isolation, I learned to truly take care of myself. I finally figured out how to meditate. I got clear on my physical and mental needs.

I went deep every single day and understood the most important patterns in my life. I faced some of my biggest fears.

I got to know my inner world.

Your inner world is where secrets are hidden.

That is where the miracles happen. It is the place where your true self is waiting for you to finally meet them.

In other words, your inner world is where you will find yourself.

For this to happen, you can’t be satisfied with surface-level solutions. You need to go DEEP. And that depth exists far away from the noise of the physical world.

Regardless of your physical circumstances, there’s a whole world within you waiting to be discovered.

There’s a little child waiting to be loved and embraced.

There’s a shadow waiting to be faced.

There’s a dragon waiting to be tamed and befriended.

There’s an endless creative source waiting to be liberated and channeled.

And finally, there’s your Higher Self/soulmate waiting for you to reunite with them.

So what is self-isolation and how does it help with this?

Self-isolation is when you consciously lock out the destructions of the physical world (and people). You don’t engage in information and opinions coming from the outer world unless you don’t have a choice.

You sit with yourself in silence and listen to whatever comes up. Inner dialogues or monologues, feelings, emotions, ideas… Even emptiness.

You just listen and acknowledge whatever comes up. You begin to communicate with yourself, your inner world.

You learn to do nothing.

Learning to do nothing is absolutely crucial if you want to reach a higher level of Consciousness and self-love.

I used to feel guilty when I wasn’t visibly getting forward in life. But looking back I know I had nothing to feel guilty about. It was quite the contrary.

Destructing yourself with performance might be something that is encouraged by society but it’ll only push you further from your true path.

The most life-changing skill you can teach yourself is the skill of staying still and sitting with yourself in silence. Doing nothing.

I remember when the first covid lockdown happened back in 2020, most people were so obsessed with using their spare time to pick up new skills, complete to-do lists, work out more, start businesses, and push out content online (if they happened to be entrepreneurs).

I haven’t seen many people using the “time off” and the crisis to look within and ask themselves:

Who am I? Why am I here? What is the missing piece I feel in my heart? What the hell is REALLY going on?

I find it sad that for so many people “self-care” and “self-development” start with gym or smoothies or chasing more information.

The problem is not doing too little. It’s doing too much. And knowing too much.

You already have everything you need within you. You just don’t hear it because there are layers of unnecessary information, actions, and beliefs.

Learning how to look within is crucial for everyone who doesn’t indent to get lost in a faceless, robotic future.

Sometimes being stuck at home for a longer time is a blessing. Sometimes hiding from the world is the best thing you can do for yourself.

Because your true self will show itself in isolation. You can’t escape it anymore. Things you pushed down to your unconscious will come up. And how you deal with them when there’s nowhere to go will reveal your true character.

In isolation, you meet yourself.

And you’ll come out stronger.



Lilla Wonders

The Higher Self Chronicle. I create illustrations and write about my consciousness journey. ✨ Most important info: