Bluetooth Serial Interface with Ionic

Maneesha Indrachapa
Nerd For Tech
Published in
5 min readJul 21, 2018


When you are doing an Arduino-based project you have to send data to your Arduino circuit using Bluetooth or WiFi. When I was doing a project to light the bulbs using a mobile phone I wanted to create a mobile app which can send the data to a microcontroller. First I thought to make that using Android then I thought why don’t I build a native application, using Ionic Framework?

Ionic Framework is a cross-platform supporting framework which can be used to develop native mobile applications, latest version is Ionic 3 which uses Angular and Cordova plugins mainly. To Use the Ionic you need to install the ionic-CLI into your machine. So the first step is to open your command prompt and type

$ npm install -g ionic

Then it will install on your PC. Then create a new project using ionic-CLI. Then type the following command in your command prompt to create a new project.

$ ionic start sHome

The terminal will give you some options to choose from, like in an Android empty project, tabs project, menu bar, etc.

Then to access the Bluetooth on a mobile phone you need to use Cordova plugins. Cordova plugins will help you to access any part of the mobile, there are tons of Cordova plugins that generally help to access anything on mobile. so install the Bluetooth…

