Manfei Bai
3 min readFeb 3, 2021

How to Download and Install Pycharm on Linux(Ubuntu 18) with GUI

如何在Linux(Ubuntu 18) 下载并安装具有图形界面的Pycharm

  1. Enter the Linux environment command line interface


2. Download the installation version of PyCharm using wget




3. Decompress the installation file of PyCharm

解压PyCharm的安装包,这里直接解压到当前文件夹下,也可以通过使用 -C 参数指定解压位置

tar -zxvf pycharm-community-2020.3.3.tar.go


4. Open the GUI of PyCharm using its command


cd pycharm-community-2020.3.3/bin


# please choose Without if it shows the choose of setting, choose without can let us create one new environment. If it’s our first time to use pycharm in this environment, the environment may not have existing setting to use. After choose, please click the OK button.


5. Open existing project


6. Add and link one Python interpreter to this IDE

在这个IDE中使用已有python环境(例如Anaconda环境)新建一个Python Interpreter

  • File -> Settings
  • 点击用户界面左上角的File按钮,并点击接下来出现的Setting按钮
  • Interpreter -> Python Interpreter -> click the screw button
  • 在出现的界面的搜索框里输入Interpreter -> 然后点击接下来出现的Python Interpreter按钮,右侧界面会出现Python Interpreter的界面 -> 点击螺钮按钮
  • Add…
  • 点击Add…按
  • Choose your existing python environment like conda environment and click OK
  • 选择已有的python环境,例如condo环境,并且点击OK按钮

( Position will be the python file’s position )

( 具体的位置在anaconda的envs文件夹中 )

  • Click OK
  • 点击OK按钮

8. Edit the Configuration and use the interpreter we just created for aim script


  • Click Add Configuration… button
  • 点击Add Configuration… 按钮
  • + -> Python
  • 击+按钮,然后选择Python,右侧会出现如下所示的configuration设置界面
  • Input Name:
  • 在右侧的界面中输入这个configuration的名字,自由设置
  • Click the rectangular box behind Script path:, and choose script path to the aim script path -> OK
  • 点击Script path: 后的矩形框,在出现的小界面中选择我们的目标脚本的路径,在本例中我们选择changeBackground.py作为目标脚本 -> 然后点击OK
  • Click the rectangular box behind Interpreter options:, and choose python interpreter to the python interpreter we just created
  • 点击Interpreter options: 后的矩形框,选择我们刚刚创建的python interpreter
  • Choose the working directory to the current folder
  • 如果working directory中没有内容,那么请点击working directory: 后的矩形框,选择路径到当前打开的project的文件夹
  • Click OK and then we created the interpreter successfully
  • 如下所示就是设置interpreter成功,请点击OK按钮并保存本次设置

9. Run the program


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