Emanuela Manfredi
3 min readMay 29, 2023

Why AI can’t draw human hands?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come a long way in recent years, with machines being able to perform a range of complex tasks, from recognizing faces to playing complex games like chess and Go. However, there is still one area where AI seems to struggle: drawing human hands. Despite the many advances in AI, machines still have difficulty drawing hands that look realistic. In this article, we will explore why AI can't draw human hands and the challenges that computer engineers face when trying to teach machines to do so.

One of the main reasons why AI struggles to draw human hands is that hands are incredibly complex. They have a wide range of movements, and their shape can change dramatically depending on the position of the fingers and the angle of the wrist. Additionally, hands have a lot of detail, from the wrinkles on the skin to the veins and tendons that run through them. Capturing all of this detail and complexity is a significant challenge for AI.

Another challenge that computer engineers face when trying to teach machines to draw human hands is the lack of data. In order for AI to learn how to draw hands, it needs access to a large amount of data. This data needs to be labeled, which means that each image needs to be tagged with information about the position of the fingers, the angle of the wrist, and other details. However, there is currently a shortage of labeled data that is available for machine learning algorithms to use.

In addition to the challenges of complexity and data, there is also the problem of variability. Human hands come in many different shapes and sizes, and they can look very different depending on the person. This variability makes it difficult for AI to learn how to draw hands that look realistic. Even if the machine is trained on a large dataset, it may still struggle to draw hands that look like real human hands.

Finally, there is the challenge of creativity. Drawing is not just about capturing the details of a subject; it is also about creating something that is aesthetically pleasing. Humans have a natural sense of creativity and can make artistic decisions based on their own judgment and taste. Machines, on the other hand, lack this creativity and may struggle to make artistic decisions that result in a pleasing image.

In conclusion, AI still struggles to draw human hands because of the complexity of the subject, the lack of labeled data, the variability of human hands, and the challenge of creativity. While machines have made significant progress in recent years, there is still much work to be done before they can draw hands that look realistic. However, computer engineers are continuing to work on these challenges, and it is likely that we will see significant advances in the coming years.