MANGA FACTORY 1st IP usage fee confirmed at $50,000

1 min readAug 17, 2023



Manga Factory has made a new announcement regarding the determination of IP royalties and their distribution: the royalty for 1st IP sale has already been finalized at $50,000, which will be distributed to NFT holders. This is a unique and innovative approach to Manga Factory’s business model and offers a new form of revenue.
holder will have a vote in the use of thei IP, they will vote, and if the IP is approved,the revenue will be distributed to the NFT holder.

New business model created by Manga Factory

Manga Factory offers an attractive business model for NFT holders: through the distribution of IP royalties, holders can claim the rewards of their investment. It will also provide new opportunities for fans and creators.
With the opening of the Manga Factory platform, a different business model and profit sharing method may become a reality. We will continue to pay close attention to the trends in the crypto world and the progress of Manga Factory.

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