Welcome to the Manga Factory !

2 min readAug 1, 2023



Manga Factory is a character manufacturing facility operated by its creator, MOTHER, paving the way for a new era of entertainment. Through a democratic and transparent system, Manga Factory is forging a revolutionary relationship between NFT (Non-Fungible Token) holders and content creators.

We are offering an experience that feels like stepping into a fantasy world. NFT holders will be inspired to imagine their owned characters thriving in the real world, igniting their creativity. The future Manga Factory aims to achieve is a world where characters play prominent roles in games, movies, TV shows, applications, and serve as an avatar for various products.

The presence of Mother

MOTHER brings a fresh breeze to the entertainment industry through Manga Factory. She has built a democratic system that respects the opinions of NFT holders, enabling them to vote on character creation and usage decisions. This allows fans to directly participate in shaping the future of characters and collaborate with content creators to weave new stories.

What is the future created by Manga Factory?

Manga Factory automates the management and revenue distribution of intellectual property (IP) through smart contracts. This ensures that revenue distribution is transparent and fair, eliminating the risk of errors and revisions. The income generated from characters is equally distributed among NFT holders, allowing fans to feel empathy and contribute to the characters they support.

Manga Factory also facilitates smooth handling of requests related to character usage. For instance, if a game company wishes to use a specific character, their offer is automatically accepted, and NFT holders can vote to approve or reject the proposal. If approved, NFT holders of the character will receive a portion of the revenue. This system fosters a close partnership between content creators and fans, giving rise to new business models.

The future created by Manga Factory is a fusion of fantasy and reality. Fans can imagine their owned characters taking center stage in new content and products, and by supporting their activities, they bring new possibilities to the entertainment industry. As a pioneer of a democratic and automated character creation factory, Manga Factory will shape a new era of entertainment!

Follow us to get the latest updates from Manga Factory!

Official Web Site : https://mangafactory.io/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/mangafactory_

Discord : http://discord.gg/mangafactory

medium : https://medium.com/@mangafactory

OpenSea-GenesisNFT : https://opensea.io/collection/mangagenesis

