5 Reasons People Laugh About Your Manga Comic

2 min readMay 10, 2024


Introduction to Manga Comic

VyvyManga While manga comics are loved for their captivating storytelling and dynamic artwork, there are instances where readers may find themselves laughing at unintentional aspects of a manga. In this article, we explore five reasons why people may laugh about a manga comic, ranging from clichés and poorly executed comedy to inconsistent art quality and lack of cultural sensitivity.

Overuse of Clichés and Tropes

One reason people may laugh about a manga comic is the overuse of clichés and tropes, making the story predictable or formulaic. Whether it’s the classic “chosen one” narrative, the misunderstood protagonist with a tragic past, or the love triangle involving childhood friends, an abundance of clichés can elicit laughter from readers who find them repetitive or uninspired.

Poorly Executed Comedy

Comedy is a common element in many manga comics, but if the humor falls flat or feels forced, it can leave readers scratching their heads instead of laughing. Poorly executed comedy, such as awkwardly timed jokes, exaggerated facial expressions, or nonsensical situations, can detract from the overall enjoyment of the manga and inadvertently provoke laughter for the wrong reasons.

Inconsistent Art Quality

While manga is known for its distinctive art style, inconsistencies in art quality can sometimes be a source of amusement for readers. Whether it’s characters drawn in different proportions from one panel to the next, anatomical inaccuracies, or jarring shifts in art style, inconsistencies in art can undermine the immersion of the story and prompt laughter from readers who notice these discrepancies.

Unintentional Humor

Sometimes, elements of a manga comic that are meant to be serious or dramatic can come across as unintentionally humorous due to poor execution or melodramatic dialogue. Scenes that are intended to evoke emotions like fear, sadness, or suspense may instead elicit laughter if they feel melodramatic or exaggerated, creating a disconnect between the intended tone of the story and the reader’s interpretation.

Lack of Cultural Sensitivity

Manga comics that lack cultural sensitivity or rely on stereotypes and caricatures may inadvertently provoke laughter from readers who find these portrayals offensive or insensitive. Whether it’s the portrayal of foreign cultures, marginalized communities, or sensitive topics, manga that fails to approach these subjects with nuance and respect can elicit laughter for all the wrong reasons.


In conclusion, while manga comics are cherished for their engaging stories and captivating artwork, there are instances where readers may find themselves laughing for reasons that were not intended by the creators. Whether it’s due to overused clichés, poorly executed comedy, inconsistent art quality, unintentional humor, or lack of cultural sensitivity, these factors can detract from the overall enjoyment of a manga and prompt laughter for the wrong reasons. As creators strive to craft compelling and respectful narratives, it’s essential to consider how their work may be interpreted by readers and to approach sensitive subjects with care and empathy.

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