How to reach success?

4 min readJun 3, 2020


“To me, success means to have a goal, plan the steps to achieve the goal, implement the plan, if fails in it then modify it and finally achieve the goal.”

When rail roads were first invented engineers started to notice that the rail lines break at different points with no apparent reason. When they investigated further they found that sunlight resulted in the expansion of the metal forming the rail causing a pressure that breaks the line at its weakest points.

As a walk around, rail roads were redesigned to include slots that allows the expansion and contraction of the metal without breaking it.

So you might be asking yourself what does this has to do with reaching success?
The moral of the story is simple, reaching success is only a matter of failing first then modifying your approach to become successful!!

Success comes after failure

Learning is all about making mistakes first then knowing how to avoid these mistakes in the future. You have to do things wrong before you can learn how to do them the right way and thus in order to reach success you must first know how to not become successful.

  • Do you remember the first time you tried to ride a bicycle or use a skateboard?
  • How many times did you fall? How many things have you done wrong?

I am sure you fell tens of times yet you kept learning until you knew how to avoid your mistakes.

Why do people failed to succeed?

So, if success is all about learning and avoiding mistakes then why don’t all people succeed?

Simply because most people feel bad and become depressed when they experience their first few failures!!

Instead of continuing the learning process to learn how to avoid their mistakes those people stop at one point, form false beliefs about life and become depressed!!

The only difference between those who succeed and those who don’t is that few of them continue to the end until they learn how to avoid all of the mistakes they were doing while the others feel bad and stop trying.

To summarize it all, here are the exact steps you need in order to reach success:

  • Do something

People who procrastinate or those who wait for the right time never make their first attempt and so never succeed. People who fear to try or fear success itself never reach anything too.

  • Look at failure differently

Failure is nothing more than discovering that you are not following the right approach. Without failure you would never know about the mistakes you did and success can never be reached.

  • Avoid the mistakes and try again

Right after your failure give it another try after fixing the mistakes you did in the previous attempt.

  • Change your perspective on risk

People say that risk is a noble thing. If you do not risk, you cannot subdue the highest peaks. No matter how terrifying the case is, it is necessary to move ahead breaking down all the obstacles on your way.

Of course, thorough planning will not do any harm, and in fact can contribute to the right problem solution, but if you have noticed that you postpone starting all the time, it is time to take a risk. Only actions will bring about results!

  • The Big Deadline

This is a crucial factor in your success. Out of all the steps to success, being able to take action on your process goals in a speedy manner and follow a timeline you set for yourself might be the most important of all.

Without The Big Deadline, we procrastinate and never reach our goals. As the old saying goes, “Dreams are just goals without deadlines.”

Once you have a Big Deadline in place, you’ll be well on your way to success. It’s almost like the old Woody Allen saying, “80% of success is showing up.”

In this case, 80% of your success might come from setting that deadline.

Set a hard, but manageable deadline, one that challenges you to push outside of your comfort zone to make big breakthroughs in your life.

I am not saying that success will come after the second or the third attempt but what I am promising you is that you will surely reach success if you keep trying again and again.

About the Author

Manish Indraksh is a Merchant Navy Officer sailing with Fleet Management Limited.

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