5 Of My Favorite Feng Shui Wealth Symbols


To learn more about manifestation or feng shui, please visit http://www.manifestingmiracles.net

In my post “Increase Your Manifestation Potential By Utilizing Feng Shui” I described the reasons why feng shui is a great way to skyrocket your manifestation potential. If you haven’t yet read that article it is a great article to read to learn a little more about feng shui.

One of my primary desires for utilizing feng shui (apart from that it makes me feel good) is because of my desire to become wealthy so I can help as many people as I possibly can. Because of this, I have done countless hours of research on different strategies I can use to manifest the money I would like to fulfill my purpose. One of the areas I researched in depth was different feng shui wealth symbols. This actually became quite fun because myself and my husband would venture to the thrift shops and look for little trinkets and items that resonated with me in regards to these symbols and it became our newfound hobby.

So, I thought now was the time to let you in on 5 of my favorite wealth creation symbols:

Symbol #1 — Water Fountains

Although you are able to use any water feature to attract wealth, I love to use my feng shui water fountain. Water is an ancient symbol of abundance in all cultures and so any water image or water fountain is excellent to use as a wealth energizer.

However, it is important that you ensure that the water you use in the fountains is clear and free flowing. If you are using images of water, do not use images of tumultuous, angry waves crashing on the shore. Instead, use images of calm oceans, rivers or waterfalls that are not still but are moving gently.

In my office (which is in the wealth area of the house) I actually have two water features — one is a flowing picture and the other is a buddah waterfall.

What water items are you going to use to manifest wealth???

Symbol #2 — Feng Shui Coins

I am a massive fan of feng shui coins and I have these coins in the shape of a sword, individually and in packs of 3. The most common use of feng shui coins is to attract wealth and abundance, although they are also used to protect you.

So, how do I use these coins?

Firstly, I ensure that every member of our household has 3 chinese coins in our purses and wallets because it helps to attract wealth to us. Then, within the wealth area of my house I ensure I place as many coin symbols as I can. Now, you are probably wondering what I am talking about when I discuss the wealth area of the house.

When using feng shui you will split your house, garden, car, environment etc into bagua areas. I even create bagua vision boards which accelerate the potential of the vision board too. I will actually be writing a series of posts later on different bagua areas and how you can improve different areas of your life by making sure the bagua areas are functioning properly.

Of course, I will also have my amazing new course being launched in a couple of months too so make sure you are part of our tribe so that you may be notified once it is launched and so you receive great discounts on all our different products.

Symbol #3 — Wealth Vase

The third symbol I use to help create wealth is that of the wealth vase. Now, the wealth vase is quite interesting because it is a symbol that does not, and should not be out for show. In fact, it should be placed in a cupboard out of site, to be forgotten about. The vase is one of the oldest feng shui wealth cures and it is used to help attract and strengthen the flow of wealth and prosperity energy in your home. I will create a blog post later on as to how to create your own vase.

Within the vase you will place some soil from a wealthy area or from a wealthy friend as well as different symbols of wealth, like crystals, golden ingots and even some chinese coins. Make sure when you choose a vase that you choose one which is oriental looking.

Symbol #4 — Money Tree / Jade Plant

Having plants in your home is one of the best feng shui cures you can have (as long as they are healthy). By implementing money trees or jade plants in your home is a great wealth cure, especially if placed within the wealth area of your home.

Symbol #5 — Dragon

In Feng Shui, the dragon is seen as one of the four celestial animals which is particularly powerful. They are exuberant and playful creatures who live on land, as well as in water and air. They are symbols of abundant life, strength, fertility and prosperity.

When the dragon has a pearl or crystal in its claw they symbolize wealth, power and opportunity so they are great to put in the wealth bagua of your home. If choosing a dragon you should choose one that is either in the colors of water (black, dark blue, dark green) or the colors of money (gold, green).

When placing the dragons, make sure they are in an open place with good energy flow and make sure it is facing towards the room and not out of a window or door.

So, let me ask you… Now that you know 5 amazing wealth symbols, which ones are you going to integrate into your life and home? I would love to see pictures of your wealth symbols via instagram. If you follow @dreamlifemanifestors and upload a photo I would love to see it.

This article was written by Jennifer Matthews of Manifesting Miracles.




Manifesting Miracles with Jen and Bren

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