Creating Effective Prompts: Tips and Best Practices

Manik Hossain
3 min readNov 6, 2023


Prompts are important elements for instruction-tuned LLM models, helping to guide the model’s output toward more relevant and accurate results. Effective prompts can provide greater context and generate meaningful text.

In this blog, we will go through some of the tips and best practices for creating effective prompts in NLP applications.

1. Understand Your Task

The first step in writing effective prompts is to understand your task. The task can be anything ranging from Summarizing a paragraph, Extracting information from a corpus of textual data, Transforming a text: for example, translating from English to the French language, or By giving appropriate context and instructions, we can generate a paragraph on a specific topic. The possibilities are endless. Understanding your task better can help you determine what kind of prompts will be most effective for your use cases.

2. Keep the prompt Clear and specific

When writing prompts, it’s essential to keep them clear and specific. Avoid using complex language that may confuse or mislead the model. But it doesn’t mean that the prompt should be short. It should provide enough context and instructions clearly and concisely to mitigate ambiguities and instruct the model to do specific tasks within the given context.

3. Provide Sufficient Context

Context is vital when it comes to creating effective prompts. Providing sufficient context can help the model better understand the intended meaning and generate a more relevant and accurate output. But when providing the context and the instruction in a prompt, we should write them in such a way that it is explicit to the model which one is context and which one is instruction.

For example, if the instruction is to summarize a given context, but the context text also contains a sentence like “don’t summarize”. In this case, if the instruction and the context are not clearly separated and explicit to the model, then the model can take the context as an instruction, leading to disastrous results.

4. Give the model enough time to think

In some exceptional cases, it’s better to give the model enough time to do a task in a specific order rather than just instructing it to give outputs.

For example, if we want to check if a solution to a mathematical problem is correct or not. If we only instruct the model to check it rather than actually solving the mathematical problems itself, it can lead to incorrect outputs, and it’s obvious in the sense that we as humans, without calculating the mathematical solution rather than just glancing, sometimes can’t catch the nuance errors. So it’s better to instruct the model to first solve the problem itself and then compare its solution to the provided solution before reaching any conclusion.

5. Balance Specificity and Generality

Effective prompts keep a balance between specificity and generality. How much balance we should maintain will depend on the task we want to solve. While specific prompts can provide clear guidance on what the model should generate, they may limit the potential range of responses. On the other hand, overly general prompts may lead to irrelevant or off-topic output. Aim to create prompts that are specific enough to guide the model and also general enough to allow for diverse and meaningful responses.

6. Test and Refine


Creating effective prompts is an iterative process. Once you have developed a set of prompts, test them on your model and analyze the output. Are the generated responses relevant and accurate? Are there any patterns or trends in the outputs? Based on your analysis, make adjustments and refine your prompts as needed.


Creating effective prompts is essential for getting the desired response from the instruction-tuned LLM models. By following these tips and best practices, you can create prompts that provide clear guidance, sufficient context, and a balance between specificity and generality. Remember to continually test and refine your prompts to achieve optimal results.

