Rust for beginners — Part 1 — Introduction and Installation

Manikandan SP
2 min readFeb 23, 2022


Rust is an open source systems programming language that is highly rapid and memory safe. To get more insight into what is rust and what it is used for, refer the following article,

What this tutorial delivers ?

This tutorial series is designed for absolute beginners and will help you understand the fundamentals of RUST programming language.

Let’s get started


To install rust in our system, we will use rustup, a rust toolchain installer which helps us to manage rust and easily switch between different release channels of it.

The three different release channels are

  1. Stable
  2. Beta
  3. Nightly

Stable release channel is widely used by developers, but beta and nightly has other experimental new features in it

Follow the steps mentioned in this article to install rust into your system.

Once installed, run the following command in your terminal to confirm the installation,

rustc — version

In this tutorial we will be using nightly version of rust, to install that, run the following command in your terminal

rustup default nightly

Running the above command will install nightly and its version of tools.

Let’s continue in the next part writing our first piece of code in rust !

