Demystifying Ctrl+C and Ctrl+Z: Understanding Interrupt Signals in RHEL

Manikandan prakash
2 min readDec 30, 2023



In the realm of Linux command-line interfaces, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+Z are powerful keyboard shortcuts that send interrupt signals to running processes. These signals play a crucial role in managing and controlling processes in Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). In this blog post, we’ll delve into the commands working behind these interrupt signals and explore their functionalities.

Understanding Ctrl+C (SIGINT):

Ctrl+C is a widely used keyboard shortcut to send the SIGINT (Signal Interrupt) signal to a running process. This signal is designed to gracefully interrupt the process, allowing it to clean up resources and terminate. Here’s a breakdown of the command executed when Ctrl+C is pressed:

kill -INT PID
  • kill: This command is used to send signals to processes.
  • -INT: Specifies the SIGINT signal.
  • PID: Stands for Process ID, identifying the specific process to which the signal is sent.

Ctrl+C is particularly useful for terminating foreground processes in the terminal without abruptly killing them, giving them an opportunity to perform cleanup tasks.

Understanding Ctrl+Z (SIGTSTP):

Ctrl+Z sends the SIGTSTP (Signal Stop) signal to the currently running foreground process, effectively pausing it and moving it to the background. The command executed when Ctrl+Z is pressed is:

kill -TSTP PID
  • kill: As before, used for sending signals.
  • -TSTP: Specifies the SIGTSTP signal.
  • PID: The Process ID of the foreground process.

This allows you to suspend a process temporarily, and you can later resume it in the background using the bg command.


In this blog post, we’ve demystified the commands working behind Ctrl+C and Ctrl+Z in Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Understanding these interrupt signals is crucial for efficient process management on the command line. Ctrl+C gracefully interrupts a process, allowing it to perform cleanup tasks, while Ctrl+Z temporarily suspends a process, giving you the flexibility to manage multiple tasks in the terminal.

Mastering these signals enhances your command-line proficiency and empowers you to control and optimize your workflow effectively. Whether you’re a seasoned Linux user or just starting your journey, incorporating these shortcuts into your repertoire can significantly improve your efficiency and make your Linux experience more seamless.

