Dua Before Sex

Md Fakharuddin
3 min readMar 19, 2024


In the realm of Islamic teachings, the act of intercourse between spouses is considered sacred and private. It’s enveloped in an atmosphere of reverence, which includes seeking protection from negative influences. The recitation of a specific prayer, known as Dua, before engaging in sexual relations is emphasized to fortify the spiritual sanctity of the act.

Dua Before Sex

Understanding the Significance

Muslims are encouraged to invoke Allah’s protection against the influence of Satan before any significant endeavor, including intimate moments with one’s spouse. The belief in the presence of Jinn and Satan, unseen entities capable of causing harm, underscores the importance of seeking refuge in Allah’s guidance and protection.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) advised believers that before engaging in intercourse, they should recite the following supplication:

“Bismillaah. Allaahumma jannibnash-Shaytaana, wa jannibish-Shaytaana maa razaqtanaa.”

This translates to: “In the Name of Allah, O Allah! Shield us from Satan and keep him away from us and from what You [may] bestow upon us [i.e. children].”

According to Islamic tradition, reciting this Dua not only protects the couple from Satan’s influence but also safeguards any future offspring from harm.

Guidelines and Prohibitions

Islam provides guidelines regarding the permissible locations and times for sexual intimacy. Places such as bathrooms, open fields, or under trees are considered inappropriate for such acts. Similarly, there are times when engaging in sexual relations is discouraged, such as during menstrual cycles.

Addressing Common Queries

1. Is Reciting Dua Mandatory?

While Muslims are obligated to perform daily prayers, reciting a specific Dua before intercourse is not mandatory. However, it is highly recommended as a means of seeking Allah’s protection and blessings.

2. Does Dua Ensure Conception Without Harm?

The Dua serves as a spiritual shield against negative influences, potentially contributing to the well-being of the couple and any future offspring. However, conception and the health of children are ultimately determined by Allah’s will.

3. Is Sexual Intercourse Forbidden Without Dua?

Engaging in sexual relations without reciting the prescribed Dua does not render the act forbidden (haram) between married couples. However, invoking Allah’s protection enhances the spiritual aspect of the union.

4. Can Unmarried Individuals Recite Dua Before Intimacy?

Islam strictly prohibits premarital sex. Therefore, unmarried individuals should not engage in intimate relations or recite the Dua associated with it.

Promoting Spiritual Well-being

The practice of reciting Dua before intercourse is deeply rooted in Islamic tradition, serving as a reminder of the importance of seeking Allah’s guidance and protection in all aspects of life, including the most intimate moments. By adhering to these spiritual practices, believers strive to maintain purity of intention and safeguard their relationships from negative influences.

In conclusion, the recitation of Dua before sexual intimacy in Islam symbolizes a commitment to spiritual purity and divine protection. It is a practice that underscores the sacredness of the marital bond and serves as a means of seeking Allah’s blessings for the couple’s well-being and future progeny. As believers, adhering to these teachings fosters a deeper sense of reverence and mindfulness in all aspects of life, ensuring spiritual harmony and fulfillment.



Md Fakharuddin

Md Fakharuddin is a highly skilled professional SEO expert focusing on Link Building. Reach him at im@fakharuddin.com