Innovation And why I Am Tired Of The Mob Mentality

5 min readJul 28, 2016


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It’s 3:45 AM. As usual, I could not sleep although Iam tired. My mind is full of ideas and my heart is full of doubts. A result of hope, confusion, uncertainty, disappointments, and anger.

I live and breath a conflict with regard to the choices I’ve made in my early twenties where I decided to help people and myself by doing something worthy, something to be remembered for , something to be proud of, something I would wake up everyday happily to work on, something that would make a difference. In short, something positive that would change people’s lives.

Now that I am in my late twenties, I live in a conflict between my choices in the past and the burden of the life I live now.

I’ve started to question if it was really worth it to dare to bring about change and I am really tired of that.

I am tired of this society. Tired of the hypocrisy we live in. Tired of the world that seems to be moving forward and leaving the rest of us behind. Tired of the people caring about nothing but themselves and yet I am tired of concerning my self about them.

Why should I care if most of people are not aware of their true potential?. Why do I care that these healthy, beautiful, and capable human beings are wasting their lives in cafe shops, night clubs, malls, and in cinemas?

They rarely sit to read a book, have a thoughtful discussion , or dedicate sometime to do something that might leave a dent in the world , or even make a slight difference.

I’ve lost just about everything. I’ve sacrificed my time, money, relations, and efforts to build something that would benefit the society. But i’ve failed , many times.

I am tired of talking to the people I meet about innovation and about their capabilities and power to build, make, and change.

I feel like a prophet without a book and god is not on his side

I feel like a prophet without a book and god is not on his side. I feel like i have chosen the wrong path by actually caring about the future generation, environment, and social justice .

The more I speak with people the more I am certain how far behind we are and how wrong i was. Most people imitate and rarely create , consume and barely produce. You will be worshiped if you’ve succeeded and buried alive and spited over your grave if you’ve failed.

Where I live, imagination and knowledge are a poisonous mixture and the more you embrace your wild dreams the more isolated you become.

Why most people seems to miss the obvious , why most of us are concerned about how we look and obsessed with the brands we own?

people sees themselves and others through a framework of ideas given to them by whatever authority they allow themselves to be subjected to

I’ve read once that most people sees themselves and others through a framework of ideas given to them by whatever authority they allow themselves to be subjected to. They don’t see themselves through their own eyes as an authentic human beings.

Different people act and think differently but that’s in a micro level. From a macro level it’s not the case. If you pay enough attention you’d find a pattern, if you look further you’d find them cloning certain behaviors.

This psychological “phenomenon” is known as the mob or herd mentality.It describes how people are influenced by their peers to adopt certain behaviors .

Psychology is defined as the “systematic study of human behavior” and beside “theories” it has many “tools” to influence people to follow certain behaviours through building or enforcing certain narratives.

Many of these theories and tools are used in politics , marketing, sociology, economics, and many others.

This has led me to investigate the greatest influencers shaping our thoughts, the way we perceive the world, and the decisions we make. I have considered many influencers ranging from religion, culture, media, and many more.

Remarkably, i’ve found one to be unique, flexible, consistent, and relevant in about every aspect and it clearly stands out as a winner, it’s branding.

Branding is what encourages consumerism and individualism. Nowadays, it embraces techniques and practices like that of a religious cults, it creates kind of a new religion as it become more about associating with positive experiences and greater good, and has almost nothing to do with a product or a service.

Branding has many types and each may encompass many others as such Corporate branding, Personal branding, Product branding, Place branding etc..

Unlike a religious cult, brands are able to adapt and adopt changes and develop continuously.

Brands have become the new authorities ruling our lifestyle and the way we perceive the world. Thus, we have turned into groups of tribal monkeys by echoing certain thoughts or behaviors, look at ourselves and others through them, and behave accordingly.

For example, clothing is not any more about covering and protecting bodies as it used to be. It has become an “artistic” medium to convey certain messages. A statement that we define ourselves and others through where If we fail to accept and follow, we risk becoming “irrelevant”.

Brands have become a way to say we belong to a certain group; we are one of you; please don’t shoot.

Branding is designed directly or indirectly to drive or create an impact that would eventually generate profits. Therefore, change is a must to stay ahead of the competition. So, to win a certain market an X brand has to challenge the status quo initiated by the Y competitor. The irony is that we the poor human beings are left with a paradox where challenging the old status quo has become the new status quo in which one becomes a rebel by challenging it or even by accepting it! but in both ways we don’t own our fate!


Most people subscribe to, and associate themselves with a certain ideology and think within its framework of ideas without reasoning or questioning the integrity of those ideas. Thus, most people had turned themselves into passive consumers and are not ready to authentically and objectively challenge any thought or behavior, and if they do, chances are they might be swapping one for another.

In the near future and as people age they’d regret the time, money, and efforts they’ve wasted and by then, it might be late to fix the damages. Therefore, I find it difficult to examine my choices and tell whither they were right or wrong.

What really upsets me is not being able to give up on believing that one day change will come and people will turn from passive consumers and followers to become makers and influencers, but untill then I’ll be living in hope, doubts, and uncertainty.

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A #citizen of earth.Allergic to shallow insights.interested in #marketing,#technology,everything #JS#LINUX, #opensource ,#politics ,and #sports