Fucks Given, Zero

Language advisory: Explicit Content

Manish Masih
1 min readJan 3, 2023
Best fucking find ever. Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

At this point
I don’t give two fucks
to raised eyebrows
patronising pricks
character assessments
judgements from random strangers
hollow laughs
coughs of disapproval
limp handshakes
promises made never kept
pacts that never got made
secret stalking
blocked profiles
whispers in the corridors
page 8 results
group greetings and bank texts
discoloured memories
photographs of friends
lost and found

I just don’t give a fuck anymore
to red eye flights
youtube on loudspeaker flyers
bawling babies evil kids
dry like last year’s fuck sandwiches
packed in boxes full of lies

I’m done fucking dealing
with two faces
and half minds.

I just don’t give a fuck anymore
to verbal diarrhoea
richie-rich fuckers
shakers, players
diversionists, detractors,
doomsday naysayers
never ending meetings
bored room talks
of low hanging fruit
presumptuous paupers
slick salesmen
pushy peddlers
world players
opportunistic vultures
spilling their spiel
dealing the big deals
teasing the big tease
presumably taking us all somewhere
on a never ending wheel.

Thank you for enduring with me. Not enough torture? You could read this one too:



Manish Masih

I write ads. Occasionally, I write for myself. Love malts, steaks, tech, words, sci-fi, mountains and motorcycles… not necessarily in that order.