The Interview Story : Experience of a Software developer — Part 1 — Qualcomm

Manisha Agarwal
5 min readFeb 10, 2024


My journey begins in 2017, fresh out of NIT Durgapur with a degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering. Pune became my new home as I embarked on a career at Amdocs. While Pune dazzled me with its delights like poha , the iconic German Bakery, Magarpatta city and the Amanora Mall, my job at Amdocs didn’t quite hit the mark.

While at Amdocs, the highlight was undoubtedly the delicious food. However, amidst the flavors, I couldn’t help but notice the drawbacks. These included enduring constant micromanagement, struggling with subpar work quality, and grappling with a lack of work-life balance.

Just when I was contemplating an escape from my uninspiring job, fate threw me a curveball —

I received an unexpected call for an interview opportunity from Qualcomm, the dream company for every ECE student!

The first thing I did was, I asked myself a question:

“Manisha, what is the worst thing which can happen if you interview for Qualcomm?”

Answer was easy:

“Worst case scenario is, I would be laughed out at the Interview”

Decision was made, I was going to interview for Qualcomm.

The first obstacle was the online test which had questions from aptitude to programming, operating system and computer architecture.
I managed to tackle most of the questions during the test, finding them generally easy to medium in difficulty. Surprisingly, it wasn’t so much the complexity but rather the sheer length of the test that posed the greatest challenge. Post the test I was hopeful on my chances for onsite interview conversion.

For the next week, I diligently monitored my emails, phone calls, and any other means of contact available. Finally, after seven days, I received the request for an onsite interview, making it the best day ever. There’s just something special about waiting for something, the success at the end feels even sweeter with every passing second.

I promptly requested leave from my current job and dove into preparation mode. With just one week until my onsite interview, time was of the essence. Since YouTube interview resources were scarce back then, I relied heavily on the GeeksforGeeks website, my saving grace.

I went through the following resources for the next week:

My week flew by in a flash — I’d wake up at 7 am, study for an hour, rush to the office (before the era of remote work), and sneak in study sessions during long bathroom and tea breaks. Upon returning home around 6 pm, I’d spend the next three hours revising my material.

After a week of anticipation, the day of my interview finally dawned. At 4 am, a sleek black car awaited me at my doorstep, ready to whisk me from home to the airport. With airfare tickets and pre-paid meals in hand, I embarked on my journey. Whether it was the novelty of my first airplane sandwich, the fact that it was complimentary, or simply my hunger, it tasted exquisite. Arriving at Hyderabad airport, a person held up a placard with my name — a moment straight out of a movie that still gives me goosebumps. From there, I was chauffeured to the Qualcomm office in another impressive black car. The office itself was stunning, and the promise of free lunch at the cafeteria only added to my excitement. The interviews commenced with my favorite topics, operating systems and computer architecture, and I felt confident in my performance. Following two rounds, I savored a delicious vegetable biryani and a small chocolate donut, relishing the moment despite growing fatigue. The subsequent interviews were more challenging, leaving me uncertain about my chances. Nonetheless, I remained hopeful, eager for the opportunity to excel in such a prestigious company.

Friday marked my interview day, followed by a joyful Saturday celebrating my birthday with a select group of colleagues and friends. However, Sunday was a different story — it was consumed by anxiety. I found myself incessantly refreshing my Gmail inbox, eagerly awaiting the acceptance email. Then, finally, on Tuesday, a message from Qualcomm arrived, requesting HR-related information and my salary expectations. I was elated, feeling like I had finally made it. I immediately shared the news with my parents and boyfriend. But just half an hour later, my excitement turned to disappointment as I received another email stating that my profile was on hold due to a misunderstanding. Despite this setback, I was still instructed to complete the form and await further communication. The sudden shift from hope to disappointment left me with a familiar ache — an experience that is truly awful.

Anyway, I persisted in my current job while actively seeking other opportunities. Then, on Thursday, a Qualcomm recruiter contacted me, offering another interview opportunity, to which I eagerly agreed. The phone interview was scheduled for the following Thursday. Determined to stay relaxed this time, I decided to go with the flow. When Thursday arrived, the call came at 10 am, and I found myself confidently answering most of the questions. The interviewer focused on operating system, computer architecture , DBMS and computer networking. However, I made a conscious effort not to set any expectations and simply resumed my regular work routine afterward.

I vividly recall the date: December 20th, 2017, when I received the final email from Qualcomm, containing the coveted offer letter. Up until then, I had been earning 6 lakhs INR per year, but Qualcomm’s offer represented a staggering 150% increase, totaling 15 lakhs INR per year.

Beyond the substantial salary increase, there was a profound sense of relief knowing that I could finally bid farewell to my current job. This time, I exercised caution; I refrained from sharing the news with family and friends until all the necessary forms were signed, and I received formal acceptance from Qualcomm.

I’ll never forget the pride in my boyfriend’s eyes as he proudly announced to his friends at his company that I had secured my dream job. His unwavering support and belief in me meant the world.

On January 1st, I made the decision to resign from Amdocs and embark on a new chapter at Qualcomm Hyderabad, commencing on March 5th, 2018. Venturing into a completely unfamiliar city, Hyderabad, filled me with a mixture of excitement and apprehension.

Me and Qualcomm @March 2019

That wraps up my interview journey with Qualcomm. Stay tuned for the next part where I’ll delve into my experience with Microsoft. After all, what are we without our dreams and aspirations? Each achievement becomes a stepping stone to reach for greater heights and broaden our horizons. With Qualcomm behind me, Microsoft now stands as the next frontier in my pursuit of fulfilling my ambitions.

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