Marketing tip for teacherpreneurs #9: Get listed

Manisha Snoyer (
Published in
2 min readJan 15, 2018

Right now you’re getting started and eagerly recruiting students, so it’s hard to imagine a day where you’ll be booked with no room for more kids. But that day will come sooner than you think, because you’re offering a service that people desperately need — quality education for children.

On that day, everyone will be finding you through online search, so you need to be listed.

It’s also great for SEO and all that jazz.

Here’s where I think you should list your program.

  1. Facebook fan page: Create your Facebook fan page and invite your friends to like it! (make sure to also add your facebook fan page to Buffer!)
  2. Yelp: Add your business to yelp.
  3. Google Maps. Create or claim your google maps listing. Search for your microschool at then click add a missing place if it’s not there.
  4. More: Do a google search for programs similar to yours, eg “preschool” “Washington heights” and see where those programs are listed. Then make sure you are featured in the same directory! You can also do a google search for successful programs similar to yours and see where they are listed and list there.

Get reviews!

Once you are done, be sure to include these listings in Buffer posts and ask all your wonderful friends to leave reviews!

Ask us for a review!

When all your listings are done, please email our team all the links at info[at]cottageclass[dot]com and we’ll write you all glowing reviews!

Last but certainly not least, it can be wonderful to have a partner in your marketing efforts. Find out how in:

Step 10. Choose a Parent Ambassador
A Parent Ambassador can be hugely helpful in getting your program up and going. Here’s how you can use them to their full potential.

