Send data between Electron App and React JS App


Send data from React to electron and get data from Electron

Below code need to be add in React js to send an event to the electron app

const { ipcRenderer } = window.require(“electron”);

export const sendData = data => {

ipcRenderer.send(“send-data-event-name”, JSON.stringify(data));


ipcRenderer.on(“send-data-event-name-reply”, (event, arg) => {



Below code need to add in the electron.js file to receive the event

const { ipcMain } = require(“electron”);

ipcMain.on(“send-data-event-name”, (event, data) => {

// here we can process the data

// we can send reply to react using below code

event.reply(“send-data-event-name-reply”, ‘Hey react app processed your event’);


