Hacks for Getting into Data Science in 6 Months- Part 1: Road map

Manja Bogicevic
Published in
7 min readJan 19, 2018

Data Scientist has rated the best job in America for 2017, with a median base salary of $110,000 (Source: Glassdoor). Careers include data scientist, data engineer, data analyst, statistician, data manager, data architect, business analyst.

Why Data Scientist? As an economist who has a bachelor degree (finance, banking, and insurance) at Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade and MBA ( Leader Project) at Ivey Business School, I didn’t want to throw away my years of studying to become “course programmer”.

As I am Marketing Manager for 2 years at my startup Petrucci Elegance and also at Youth Business Forum I know that I am not born to work in the bank.

I go to every meetup in Belgrade at ICT Hub, Start and Impact Hub (topics about digital marketing, entrepreneurship, IT, data science, AI). Also, I am a person who learns new things every day, never give up and has big hunger for knowledge.

I read 1500 words in one minute, and in 2017 I read 50 books. Did you know that average person read 400 words in one minute, and read about 50 books in whole life?

Tech and startup community in Belgrade is so strong and big and I really love it. I was always different from others so this community is an awesome place for me. I wanted to become part of the IT sector, and I didn’t know where to begin and what career path is for me. So Data Science becomes a perfect career path for me.

There are approximately 215,000 open job positions in Data Science (Source: Indeed.com).

There are currently about 31,000 openings for Statistician positions in the US (Linkedin), offering an average salary of $77,000 (Glassdoor).

I asked my friend Slavo and my mentor now what I should do in my career. He knows me very well and he said you are born for Data Scientist. So I accepted 6 months challenge to become TOP Data Scientist.

Here is my ROAD MAP from January to August 2018. My mentor Slavo make it for me and he supports me on a daily basis.


Every day watching KirillEremenko Super Data Science and podcasts.

(Watching from January and every month ahead)


As you can see after, most of my courses are Kirill courses and also Hadelin de Ponteves. I really love their way of explaining everything and so far they learned me a lot for these 19 days in 2018.

1. I watched these videos on Youtube for motivation and inspiration and to see is DS for me:


2. Sunday 6.1.2018. Watched Careers in Data Science A-Z and wrote everything I didn’t know or understand it. Found it on Google and then the day after started to learn. :)

I had to watch it that day on the whole. The course is awesome. Kirill Eremennko and Hadelin de Ponteves really knew how to explain complex things so easy.

3. Must finish by the 25th January these two courses (And guys I am finishing them on the time :))

4. Read every day these two books and to exercise Python. (You can too download pdf and read it)

5. On the 26th I have to learn these courses by the end of January.

6. Open Git Hub by the end of January and upload my projects in Python :

(for me this course was too heavy, I didn’t understand it. From everything in January Git and Git Hub were so hard for me. I had to learn the basics in one day, instead, I learned it in three days. And now I am so excited to upload my project on Git Hub)

7. Open my Kaggle account and start competing in Data Science.


8. Learn Tableau basics and exercise with real data three days a week.

I really love Tableau and I decided to exercise it every day. I read somewhere when you work on something every day only for 1 hour you will be master in that field in two years. Isn’t that awesome?


1. Learn Python A-Z: Python For Data Science With Real Exercises!:

2. Learn Advanced Tableau:

I decided to exercise every day Tableau for 1 hour as I said previously. So I bought all the courses from Kirill Eremenko and Super Data Science. I want to master it because I really like Tableau and data. Also at my Faculty, we have marketing research where we used SPSS. I got A score and really like that data. So Tableau is really awesome and something I see myself doing every day at my future work as a Data Scientist.

3. Open my Upwork profile and start working for my portfolio in Data Science


4. LINKEDIN- status Learning Data Science \ Machine Learning

MARCH-AUGUST *************************

Until now everything was prepared for this!:

1. Learn these courses every day:

2. Read these books as essential to become a top Data Scientist:

3. Prepare for the interviews and start applying for top jobs in Data Science


Part of my #6monthschallenge is also to write blogs every week about my everyday progress in Data Science road map. I will write every week one blog how was my previous week. I will write about these courses, about my struggles and everything on the road map to become a Top Data Scientist. This way I want to help others who want to become a Data Scientist or doesn’t know how to begin his/her career path. I will write honestly about everyday challenges, working hours and learning new things in Data Science. Also, I am writing this to motivate myself to stay on the path and to motivate others to begin their career in Data Science.

As Kirill said, “See you next time, until then happy analyzing!”

#6monthschallenge #datascience #machinelearning #womenintech #deeplearning

I used infographics from my courses from Kirill Eremenko and Super Data Science.



Manja Bogicevic
Editor for

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