Is it necessary to be consistent ?

Manjeet Kaur
3 min readAug 4, 2023


This picture is a meme that answers the question ahead whether to focus on quality or quantity ?
Quality or Quantity, what should be the priority?

I have been consuming some content of good philosophers, businessmen , psychology experts and there was a common ideology they all believed in.

Consistency is the key.

Not something new you are hearing right? Infact you are not here to be get convinced that consistency actually is the mantra to success.

But let me tell you a brutal truth today.

The same tribe of people also have another ideology, They say something that have worked for a person might not work for others and vice versa.

Now let’s get to our point of the conversation. Is it really necessary to be consistent ?

I am someone who has a different theory about consistency. Yes showing up daily is good, working on something daily is also good . It’s good because it develops in you a habit of practicing that art daily

And it’s hard to stop someone from mastering something that they practice daily. But what if it becomes a mere daily chore?

What if instead of trying to get better every day you are getting exhausted doing just for sake of it?

What if you are being consistent but you are not growing ?

What about the quality? Is it necessary that for the sake of completing your showing up task , you bring out a bad creation in this world.

Let me give you my example with Twitter. From past few days, I have started posting consistently, but somehow I feel that I am not able to yet fully deliver what I am capable of

Earlier when I used to write often, my writing was totally different.

I have inherited a pressure. A pressure to show up daily. Not a pressure to create something better daily. That’s what I lack.

I am sure you are here to find that one-sentence solution, but sorry to disappoint you but this solution requires you to perform a test.

You can only figure out what works and what doesn’t when you try out and compare . But for comparison you need to actually do it.

If you don’t want to stick fully to this theory of consistency that has been thrown to the world. Here is how you can develop your own

Give yourself one month. 15 Days try to be consistent on something, can be anything you want to be good at

Another 15 days , make it alternative, focus on just the quality .

Note the difference, difference in the quality of your work , your attitude , your growth, your behavior change. Measure it .

You know after the end of this one month, you have to be an analyst, analyst for a month of your life.

At the end of this one month, you will have an answer that you can believe in freely without any If, buts.

Agreeing with someone’s thought or philosophy is not wrong but believing in it with a doubt is a crime you do to your own thinking.

So go test your one month and come back here with not an answer but your answer.

I am doing it with you. Last month I wrote for 30 days straight as part of challenge. This month I am writing only for 15 days . Let’s see the difference.

Meet you next month here.




Manjeet Kaur

I am a freelance writer and a finance student. I am here to share informative and valuable content that could lead your path to excellence