Manjunathd D
2 min readJan 6, 2020

Analysis for Data Science project — Correlation Analysis!

Correlation analysis:

Its A graphical representation which gives the relationship of two continuous variables.


  1. Work Experience Vs Salary — If the work experience increase the salary also increases — positive correlation
  2. Bike Mileage Vs Speed : As the speed is increased the mileage drops — Negative correlation
  3. No Correlation : If the weight of the person increases the salary also increases.

Correlation Analysis: It is denoted by small ‘r’

If the r value is b/w 0.85 to 1.0 — It describes the Positive relationship

If the r value is b/w 0.65 to 0.85— It describes the Moderate relationship

If the r value is b/w 0.28 to 0.65 — It describes the Poor relationship

If the r value is reflecting 0 — Absolutely no linear relationship b/w two variables.

Positive relation ship — If a student is scoring distinction in the exam

Moderate relation ship — If a student is scoring 1st Class in the exam

Poor relation ship — If a student is scoring Just pass in the exam

Mathematically the ‘r’ Value is calculated by using the below formula:

Calculation of ‘r’ using the above formula using x & y -where n =3

r= 1

Manjunathd D

A data scientist aspirant loves to solve real world problems and try to bring the meaningful insights.