Top 4 Most Proven Methods of Natural Fertility Treatments in Bangalore

2 min readOct 7, 2016


Experiencing the embryo in the womb, and later on, motherhood is the dream of almost every woman. But due to some fertility dysfunction either in female’s body or male’s body, few of the couples remain deprived of enjoying the pleasure of parenthood. If you have been planning to conceive for two years but still there are no signs of pregnancy, then heading towards a reputed infertility treatment clinic would be a wise move. Locating a reliable clinic for natural fertility treatments in Bangalore or anywhere else in India is not a tough task now. But clinics that have the facilities for the below-discussed methods should be preferable:

Most Advanced & Proven Methods

· Intracytoplasmic Morphologically-selected Sperm Injection (IMSI)

This is the most successful IVF technique wherein sperms are inserted into morphologically selected eggs. A registered practitioner, using an inverted magnifier, can properly investigate the gamete’s interior morphology to discard the complications. In this procedure of high-magnification sperm selection, the miscarriage rate is quite low. It is a much more elegant way than the conventional ICSI.

· Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

It is conventional in vitro fertilization process that is executed to insert a single sperm directly into an egg. The experts recommend this process to overpower the male infertility issues if observed with improper penetration of the eggs by sperm. This procedure involves the use of different micromanipulation devices to derive the precise outcomes.

· In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

IVF is one of the most effectual and recommended infertility treatments by the experts. Under this treatment, eggs are eliminated from women’s ovaries and fertilized by spermatozoon with the fluid. Afterward, the fertilized egg is injected into the reproductive system of the female body to ensure the positive pregnancy.

· Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI)

The concept of test tube baby in Bangalore or somewhere else around the world needs no mention now. It’s a common and effective procedure of making the life colorful for those couples who are facing the grief of childless life due to infertility problems. Artificial insemination refers to the placement of gamete into the female reproductive system to ensure the successful pregnancy.

The aforesaid infertility treatment procedures can be successfully executed by the reliable clinics that deal with natural fertility treatments in Bangalore. The expert surgeons can make your life cheerful with their expertise for sure.

