Looming Canadian SEC Hammer on Viewly

Phil Mannershnitz
3 min readFeb 19, 2018

You know what I’m ecstatic about Munly? Exposing Viewly and especially Stefan Furlan for the blatant money grabbers and unprofessional dishonest cowards that they are.

There is a business and moral principle that states that earlier investors in a project should get better treatment and bonus rates than later investors, because the earlier you invest the greater risk you take. This is especially true in Viewly’s case where their October Seed Round was what allowed them to get the funds to make it to ICO.

Now Viewly is claiming that this Seed Round doesn’t exist. Well. The blockchain don’t lie. As you can see it clearly says ViewlySeedTokenSale. Check out the dates of the txs. That’s October 2017.

And here you can clearly see the Seed Round bonus structure: 0.000374 ETH per token. Now here’s where it gets interesting.

Ok, so according to Furion, a lead dev at Viewly, this promised price in October is 3–5x lower than the ICO price. OK, then that implies that the ICO price should be 0.001122–0.00187 ETH.

But it’s not. Viewly has stated that it will be $0.45, or 0.000473 ETH with Ether at $950 USD. This is basically only a 20–25% bonus for the October Seed Round investors when ETH was at around $300.

Do you honestly think that anyone would have given you Seed money with a 5 month lockup for only 20%? You’ve got to be out of your minds. We were promised 3–5x, and we invested based on that info.

Stefan the CEO confirms in Telegram that the ICO price will be 3–5x higher than Seed Round price.

Turns out it’s not true. They lied to get people to invest in the seed stage. That’s called Deceptive Advertising, and it’s a crime. That’s why there’s a Canadian SEC complain against Viewly!

If you needed any other reasons NOT to invest in Viewly, I give you the following exhibits:

Exhibit A: Tudor admits that they lost 33% of their funds to the Parity Bug
Exhibit B: Apparently Penis Detrov is Head of Product & Development. Nice
Exhibit C: Denko Mancheski’s Profile Pic. No Comment

So there you have it. Viewly is most likely a scam.

