BitUniverse — Earn a passive Income with Crypto

Raegwyn Soloing
4 min readFeb 27, 2019


Cryptocurrency is a pretty new space with lots of potential. Even though since December 2017 almost every Cryptocurrency has lost 60–90% of its value, many people believe it’s the future and any investment made today, will be worth it, sooner or later.

As Crypto Investor its pretty common that your assets gain or lose 10% of their value over night. And Day Trading requires constant “Screen sticking”. One good or bad news on the web, and prices change within seconds.

But what if i’d tell you that you can profit from this volatility? What if you could automate your trades and just sit back and check your gains once in a while.

“Bot-Trading” has been around as long as Crypto has been, but it always required high programming skills, a PC running 24/7 and a lot of know-how.

With BitUniverse and their newly released Grid Trading Bot, Bot trading has become as simple as buying your first BTC on Coinbase. And currently their service is 100% free of charge!

All you need is enough Know-How to trade Crypto, and a Phone.

You simply download the completely free Portfolio Manager App “BitUniverse”, sync your API keys (all common Exchanges are supported!) and after that you can always Live-Check the current values of any of your assets:

With BitUniverse you can trade on multiple Exchanges at the same time, without ever leaving the App. Just switch to the “Trade” tab and you can buy some TRX on Binance, sell some ETH on Huobi, everything without ever leaving the App and the need to Login on every exchange. And the Best you see all your Assets of multiple exchanges together on one single place!

To start automating your Trades and to earn a passive income you’ll need to setup a Grid Trading Bot.

Grid Trading profits from the ups and downs of the market. You set a Price Range of the bot, adjust how many Grids you want and as long as the price stays within your set range, the bot will always sell when price goes a bit up and buy when it goes a bit down.

For Example on VET/BNB you set the following Parameters:

High: 0.0007 Low: 0.0006

Number of Grids: 11

Amount per Grid: (Depends on what you have available)

Lets say current Price of VET/BNB is: 0.00064

The Bot will now set Limit Buy orders at: 0.00063 0.00062 0.00061 0.00060 and at the same time Limit Sell Orders at: 0.00065 0.00066… and so on:

After that, you can sit back and leave the trading to your Bot.

Whenever the price goes up it will sell a bit and whenever the price goes down it will buy a bit, making a small profit every single time!

The Bot does this while you sleep, when you work, or while you enjoy your freetime.

Lets see what this specific Bot made after a bit more than a day:

Here are some more results:

You see Grid Bot Trading works and it’s simple enough to use that basically anyone who has a Binance account can use it!

If you want to use the Bituniverse Grid trading bot for free sign up using my invite link: Hurry and join now this offer is for limited time only!

Join the community of BitUniverse users in the official BitUniverse telegram group : and bituniverse traders group:

If you need help setting up Bituniverse, your Bot, or have Questions you can also contact me personally on telegram: im happy to help!

