Dealing with Flying Squirrels? Kritter Catchers Top Removal Techniques

Manny Tejada
3 min readNov 21, 2023

Understanding Flying Squirrels in New Jersey

Flying squirrels, often seen gliding between trees in New Jersey’s forests, have become a common sight in urban areas. These nocturnal creatures, while fascinating, can become a nuisance when they invade homes. Understanding their habits is the first step in effective management.

Identifying Flying Squirrels

Flying squirrels are easily distinguished by their large eyes, soft fur, and a unique skin membrane (patagium) that extends between their legs, aiding in gliding. They are smaller than other squirrel species and are known for their playful and social behavior.

Why Flying Squirrels Invade Homes

In New Jersey, flying squirrels often seek shelter in attics and wall spaces, particularly during colder months. They are attracted to warm, safe environments where they can nest and raise their young. Unfortunately, their presence can lead to noise, damage, and potential health risks.

Recognizing Signs of an Infestation

Key signs of flying squirrels in your home include unusual noises at night (as they are nocturnal), droppings, and signs of gnawing on wood or electrical wiring. Spotting these early can prevent extensive damage.

Kritter Catchers’ Effective Removal Techniques

Kritter Catchers specializes in humane and effective flying squirrel removal. Our methods prioritize safety and long-term solutions.

1. Inspection and Assessment

Our team conducts thorough inspections to identify entry points and the extent of the infestation. This is crucial for a targeted removal process.

2. Humane Live Trapping

We use live traps, strategically placed to capture the squirrels without harm. Regular checks ensure the animals are safely relocated to suitable habitats away from residential areas.

3. Exclusion Techniques

Sealing entry points is critical to prevent future invasions. Our team uses durable materials to repair any damage and secure your home against wildlife entry.

4. Sanitization and Cleanup

After removal, we focus on cleaning and sanitizing the affected areas. This step is essential to eliminate health risks associated with droppings and urine.

Preventative Measures for Homeowners

Regular Maintenance Checks

Regularly inspect your home for cracks, holes, or loose vents. Early detection and repair can prevent wildlife entry.

Tree Trimming

Trimming tree branches away from your home reduces access points for flying squirrels.

Secure Food Sources

Ensure that bird feeders and pet food are not easily accessible to wildlife, as these can attract flying squirrels.

Why Choose Kritter Catchers

Kritter Catchers stands out with our commitment to humane, efficient, and comprehensive wildlife control solutions. Our expertise in dealing with flying squirrels in New Jersey makes us your go-to professionals for a squirrel-free home.

Our Expertise and Ethical Approach

Our team is trained in wildlife biology and humane handling techniques, ensuring the safety and wellbeing of both the animals and our clients.

Customer Education

We believe in educating our customers about wildlife behavior and prevention strategies, empowering them to maintain a wildlife-free environment.


Dealing with flying squirrels in New Jersey requires a knowledgeable and humane approach. Kritter Catchers offers top-notch removal techniques, ensuring your home remains safe and squirrel-free. Our expertise in wildlife management, combined with our commitment to customer education and ethical practices, makes us the ideal choice for your wildlife control needs. Protect your home and peace of mind with Kritter Catchers’ professional services.

