The Hidden Menace: Understanding Squirrel Invasions in New Jersey

Manny Tejada
3 min readOct 11, 2023


New Jersey, with its scenic landscapes and dense woodlands, is a haven for various wildlife, including the seemingly harmless squirrel. But for homeowners in New Jersey, these furry visitors can soon become unwanted guests. At Kritter Catchers, we understand the urgency of effective squirrel control in NJ, and here we present some pro tips to keep these critters at bay.

Why New Jersey Homes are a Squirrel Magnet

Before diving into control measures, it’s crucial to understand why these creatures target homes. The seasonal changes in New Jersey make homes a warm, haven, especially during colder months. Furthermore, the abundance of gardens and vegetation provides a never-ending supply of food.

Sealing Points of Entry: The First Line of Defense

  1. Roof Vents and Chimneys: Often, these are the easiest entry points for squirrels. Regularly inspect and repair any gaps or damages. Consider installing mesh screens for added protection.
  2. Holes in the Exterior Walls: Even the smallest gap can invite a squirrel. Seal them using sturdy materials that can’t be chewed through.
  3. Basements and Attics: These are the primary nesting areas. Regular inspections are crucial. If you notice any signs of infestation, act swiftly.

Cleanliness is Next to Squirrel-less

A clean home is less inviting. Here’s what you can do:

  • Yard Maintenance: Regularly trim trees and shrubs. Ensure that no branches lead directly to your home. This cuts off easy access for squirrels.
  • Garbage Management: Always keep your garbage cans sealed. Leftover food attracts not just squirrels but other pests as well.

When to Seek Professional Help

While DIY measures can be effective, sometimes the infestation can get out of hand. This is when professionals like us at Kritter Catchers come into the picture. If you notice:

  • Persistent noises from the attic or walls.
  • Signs of property damage, especially chewed wires.
  • Squirrel droppings in unusual places.

It’s time to call in the experts for squirrel control in NJ.

Natural Repellents: A Humane Approach

Not everyone is comfortable with traps. Natural repellents can be a great alternative:

  • Peppermint Oil: Squirrels dislike the strong aroma. Sprinkle some around common entry points.
  • Spicy Mixtures: A blend of pepper and water can deter these creatures. Spray this around your garden or yard.
  • Noise and Light: Squirrels prefer quiet, dark places. Radios and light machines can disrupt their peace, making your home less attractive.

Staying Proactive: Regular Inspections are Key

It’s not just about handling an existing issue; prevention is equally crucial. Regular inspections, especially during the onset of colder months, can keep many problems at bay. Check for signs of nests, droppings, or property damage. At Kritter Catchers, we recommend bi-annual inspections as a standard measure for homeowners.


Squirrels, while seemingly harmless, can become a significant concern for homeowners in New Jersey. From property damage to potential health hazards, the repercussions of an unchecked squirrel population are many. But with the right knowledge, techniques, and timely intervention, maintaining a squirrel-free home becomes a manageable task. At Kritter Catchers, our aim is to equip you with the tools and knowledge for effective squirrel control in NJ, ensuring peace of mind and a safe living environment.

