#40DaysAnd40Nights #One— And So It Begins

Manny Faces
3 min readMar 21, 2019


I started this series on March 20, 2019, on my website. It was intended to be something of a chronicle, documenting what I’m going through, as I looked at the calendar and realized an intense confluence of potentially (and some certain) life-changing events all lining up ahead of me — that I believed would be of interest to those who know/follow me and maybe even to those who don’t.

I figured if nothing else, it would be a form of catharsis for me to help me prepare to cope with these 40 days and 40 nights, but I was finding life lessons in these reflections. Some have noticed as well and have found them to be inspiring. It was my partially vain hope that my personal musings might be mean something to e-friends or internet strangers, but there may be something to that. In any event, I wanted them to be fully accessible, so I’m also adding them here. Until those 40 days and nights are up.

Oh, and there aren’t going to be 40 of them — I skip a few days here and there — but I think they are compelling nonetheless.

Especially because there are two big ‘things’ that I haven’t yet disclosed. I already know about one, I just haven’t gotten to write about it yet. It’s something that I think anyone would be interested in hearing about.

It’s coming soon. For now, here is #One.

It appears I’m on the precipice of a truly exhilarating timeline.

For me, anyway. But I think most would agree.

Aside from the ins and outs of everyday life and work, I have a couple of exciting professional appearances coming up — Speaking, presenting… Nothing I haven’t done before, but still nervewracking… Plus a hectic travel schedule…

Then there’s this one possibility lingering — the kind of thing you have to wait to hear about one way or the other… The kind that studders your breathing when you think of it because of how major an accomplishment it will be when it does happen (that’s me speaking it into existence), or, how crushing it will be if it doesn’t (that’s me still not being very good at trying to speak things into existence)

But all of that really pales with this other thing. The one that is going to be an absolute, unequivocal life-changer.

More on that later.

For those who are playing along at home, Ima try and document these next 40 days a bit.

Since it will likely be among the most challenging, and possibly most rewarding 40 days I’ve ever had to face, I just feel like I should keep track of them. If no one notices or cares, that’s fine, but someone might find it interesting, or better yet, helpful.

Never know.

I’ll explain more as the days come along. But for tonight, I’m just gonna get it started.

Admittedly, I’m not always good with committing to things that must happen at certain intervals — I mean, I’m ok with showering and changing socks and stuff — but still, I’m going to really try to do this every day or night for 39 more days/nights.

Though there might be one day/night I won’t be able to. We’ll see.

In the meantime, tonight I’ll just be plugging away at some writing work (shouts to Brick City Live in Newark, NJ…)

…some audio editing… (shouts to the amazing News Beat podcast)

Trying to clear my plate as much as possible.

Cuz some stuff is about to go down.

Stay tuned.

— Manny

Originally published at www.mannyfaces.com on March 20, 2019.

