Life lessons from the Tooth Fairy

Manny V.
2 min readJan 24, 2017


Regardless our strength, success, or walk of life, we are fragile because we are human.

•Pain is our greatest teacher:

How many times have we harkened the admonitions of those who care for us or are simply authority figures over us?

If you’re as obtuse as the guy writing this, then you tend to rely mostly on intuition to be your guide even if the person offering advice has more experience than us in said field/realm.

It’s not until we are subjected to pain that we can truly appreciate the advice bestowed on us prior to being hurt (physically, emotionally, financially, etcétera).

“Brush your teeth after every meal and stop eating so much candy! It’s going to cause cavities!”

It wasn’t until I needed to have a root canal done that the gravitas of such admonition was heeded.

•Unaddressed problems can have compounding repercussions:

The pain was nearly unbearable & the cost to remedy the problem (salvage what remained of the tooth via the root canal procedure) was $3,000.

Alternate solution? Remove the tooth altogether (for a mere $200) so that the pain would be gone & my wallet wouldn’t be crying either.

What’s now left is a vacant molar spot in which food tries to hide, which takes more time to chew my meals, can cause my digestive system to work harder.

No matter how small a problem may initially appear, it can grow into something much more taxing than if we would have taken immediate action to remedy.

•A little action is better than no action:

The debate remains as to which of the two is now important; brushing teeth or flossing. My take? Just be consistent about one at a minimum…just do it the right way at the right times.

As a Virgo, I tend to deal with a sense of perfection (in myself & others). That, coupled with a sense of extremes (going all in or not at all), leads to inaction in order to not be so critical of my efforts if I do take action (which is why it’s taken me almost 4 weeks to write this).

Perfection is a false concept.



Manny V.

A New Yorker spirit with Latino roots & international affinities...US Army Veteran, Father, Friend, Imperfect yet happy.