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Saliva Hair Wash LOL

In my today’s blog we are about to embark on a hair-raising journey into a realm of grooming practices that are so bizarre, they might just make you spit out your morning coffee! Hold onto your hats, because we are diving into the world where "hair wash" takes on a whole new, saliva-infused meaning.

Manny's Hub
3 min readJul 30, 2023


Curious Discovery?

Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, a few brave souls decided to ditch conventional hair care products and embrace the power of nature’s most peculiar cleansing agent – saliva! Who knew that something as ordinary as spit could turn into the elixir of beauty? Rumor has it that the first man who tried this peculiar practice exclaimed, "Who needs expensive shampoos when I have my own mouth?" And thus, the unconventional hair care revolution was born.

The Experimental Phase:

The men who jumped on this saliva-soaked bandwagon began to experiment with different techniques. From the classic "dribble and scrub" to the "full-face plunge," they left no stone unturned in their quest for the perfect lather. Some even tried to unleash their inner llamas by stretching their necks to achieve maximum saliva production. We have to admit; it’s an impressive party trick – especially during droughts!

The (Spit And Shine) Movement

As word of this hair-washing craze spread like wildfire, the "Spit and Shine" movement was born. Enthusiastic groups of men gathered to discuss the best saliva-to-hair ratio, optimum brushing techniques, and whether bubblegum-flavored spit provided any additional benefits. Who knew that hair care could foster such camaraderie?

People’s Reaction:

As with any eccentric trend, the public’s reactions ranged from bewildered to downright amused. Friends and family members stared in disbelief, unable to fathom the reasoning behind such a peculiar practice. Strangers on the street couldn’t help but stare at men casually washing their hair with tongues hanging out, like a pack of eager puppies. But hey, nothing says confidence like a man with a well-groomed, saliva-washed mane!

The So-Called positive Side Effects

Alas, every hair-raising tale has its share of downsides. While saliva is undoubtedly a natural and easily accessible cleanser, it does come with a few minor drawbacks. For starters, the "after-taste" – enough said. Additionally, some men reported awkward situations where their pets mistook them for a walking chew toy. Oh, the perils of a well-maintained coiffure!

The Backlash And Return To Shampoo

As the novelty of saliva-powered hair care started to wane, the "Spit and Shine" movement experienced its inevitable decline. The backlash came swiftly from concerned dentists warning against excessive enamel erosion and the occasional horror story of individuals mistakenly using mouthwash instead of spit. Ouch!

And so, the era of men washing their hair with saliva drew to a close. While it may have been an entertaining chapter in the annals of grooming history, most eventually returned to the trusty world of shampoos and conditioners. As they say, all good things must come to an end, even if it involves leaving behind the joys of a saliva-scented shower.

But let us not forget the audacious souls who dared to venture where no hair had gone before. May they continue to inspire us with their quirky experiments, reminding us that the pursuit of beauty can indeed be a hilarious journey! Yikes Tho

This was a little story of my daily life. Follow Manny’s Blog World to be binged at all times.



Manny's Hub

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